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Hey guys! I wrote this a little while ago now, so even though it isn't my best work I hope you'll like it anyway, I just wanted to put a little warning up here beforehand: 

This works does involved some mature themes, such as self harm, depression, and suicidal thoughts. Now for the love of god please do not suffer in silence if you have any of these things, if you would like to talk to someone my inbox is always open. 

Another note: Do not for fucks sake romanticize any of the themes here; self harm is not beautiful, depression is not a character trait to make you more interesting. These things are real illnesses that kill every day. Please, do not wait around for someone to save you, do not wait for some guy (or girl of course) to want to kiss your scars better, save your fucking self because you're awesome and definitely hell of a cute. Okay? Right.



  "Gee!" I called, clicking my fingers in his face. He jerked upwards, looking up at me with wide eyes. "Time to go?" I frowned at him, pointing to the clock on the classroom wall. My best friend looked up at the clock like he hadn't noticed the time, everyone in class had already left.

  "Sorry, come on" he said, shaking his head and grabbing his bag, he stuffed his text book inside and slung it over his shoulder, then strolled from the classroom, I stood for a few seconds before jogging after him.

  "Hey, you okay?" I asked as I caught up to him, he was at least a head taller than me, and he was also skinnier than me too, which kind of sucked. He had a messy head of black hair, pale skin and pretty hazel eyes. I was much like him actually, as in the black hair and pale skin thing, not the hazel eyes, mine are a dull green. Gerard looked down at me cautiously.

  "Of course, why wouldn't I be?" he asked, sounding instantly irritated.

  "How about because you're depressed?" I frowned at him. He was my best friend, of course I knew about his depression, he was diagnosed with it a year before and it had been going on a while before that too. I mean, I tried to help him, I was always there, but when kids are telling people like Gerard and I to kill ourselves every day, sometimes its hard not to listen to them. But lately, Gerard's depression seemed to be getting worse.

  "I'm fine, darlin'," he sighed tiredly. I looped my arm through his as we strolled through the corridors, making our way outside the building and into the early September sun. Gerard threw a half-hearted grin down at me. Just as we got to the bottom of the school steps in silence, I was completely lost in my own thoughts, which mostly consisted of worrying about Gerard, so I didn't see them coming until it was too late.

  Something crashed into both Gee and I from behind, I yelled out in pain as I was sent spinning to the concrete floor, I landed on my side and gasped as I landed awkwardly on my wrist.

  Loud rounds of laughter sounded from above us, I rolled onto my back and gave a sharp intake of breath. I groaned as I pushed myself into a sitting position just as Gerard stood from the floor, brushing the dirt off his black jeans. I looked up to the top of the steps to see a group of demons cackling viciously, but demons I mean the popular crowd.

  A mixture of girls and boys stood at the top of the school steps, the girls were in shorts and shirts that looked like they were from a baby store. The guys were all dressed fashionably, most had good hairstyles and expensive shoes. They all looked like complete assholes. Two boys were stood laughing at the bottom of the stairs too, one I knew to be called Drake, the other Frank.

  Drake I could understand, he was a complete idiot and was only known for being able to catch a ball during football games. But Frank? I didn't get him.

From the Razor to the Rosary (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora