Chapter Twenty Four - Bulletproof Heart.

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  How do I honestly get myself into these situations?

  A few days ago the thought of kissing someone of the opposite sex was far from present in my mind. It's never been something that I've really wanted to do, I didn't think it was such a big thing if I missed out. 

  Well, haven't I fucking changed?! Now I've had make-out sessions with girls, been groped in a closet by a boy I hardly know... and now this. Now I'm kissing Frank, and it isn't just an innocent peck either.

  But that's not the point. Frank kissed me yesterday, we've kissed today too, but all those other times were different. I was reserved and hesitant, I didn't want to kiss him. But right now I can't manage to salvage the reasons for not kissing him. They seem to be lost in the fathoms of my mind. Or maybe they're hiding. Or maybe, just maybe, they aren't lost or even forgotten, I'm just choosing to ignore them this time. 

  His lips move with mine roughly, but it's not uncomfortable or awkward like it was with Nick, because now my lips move with Frank's and meet his roughness, I match it. His hand makes a fist in the roots of my hair, holding me in place and preventing me from moving anywhere fast. His other hand still encases my wrist, which annoys me a little, but when I twist my hand, he gets the message and his fingers release me, but then they trail up my palm and weave through my own fingers. His hand pins mine against the wall, holding on tight. 

  I can feel his body against mine, almost every inch of him, his chest pressed close to mine, his hips pushing me tight against the wall, he moves so one of his thighs is positioned between my legs, the other on the outside of my right thigh.

  I don't really know if I'm doing good at this so far, but he's making me weak at the knees, my chest is heaving with the effort of getting in enough oxygen without taking my lips from his. I suppose my effort is mostly okay though, considering I can feel his chest moving rapidly against mine, his breath comes hot and fast in my mouth, and I don't see him pulling away from me anytime soon to comment on how much of a bad job I'm doing. 

  When the door is yanked open and the light spills in, Frank doesn't stop, if anything his hold on me becomes even tighter, if that's possible at this point. 

  "Guys" comes a hiss from the door. I try to ignore it, my hand at his waist clutching at a fistful of his shirt. 

  He pulls away from me with a grunt, looking down at the shoe that had hit him in the back. I look up to glare at Eric and Lizy, stood there staring at us with different expressions of shock. 

  "You've been in here forever" Lizzy says, her voice hushed. 

  "That's the point" Frank glares, his hand still gripped in mine. 

  "Guys" Eric groans "Please, you can do this later, Nick is about to start a riot and the next person to come in here will be Mikey, with a fucking knife" Eric looks at the floor awkwardly. 

  My stomach drops from beneath me. Mikey. My god. I'm so selfish. Here I am making out with the boy that Mikey hates, and hates because that boy bullied his brother. Mikey doesn't know that Frank and Gerard were friends, but Mikey must think I'm stabbing his dead brother in the back. I'm a terrible human being. 

  "He's right" I mumble, dropping my hand from Frank's waist and untangling my hand from his. Frank stares at me for a second, hurt flashing in his hazel eyes. I try to avoid his gaze and wipe the guilt from my own expression. 

  Lizzy and Eric are obviously relieved. As I shuffle past Frank though, going to walk out, he catches my hand and tugs on it until I look at him. When I do glance up, his face looks almost anguished. I'm causing him pain again! What is wrong with me?! Everywhere I turn I hurt someone. 

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