Chapter Twenty Nine - Desolation Row.

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  I slam the locker door closed and then I lean against it with a heavy sigh, it's just after lunch, although I forgot to eat, I was too busy catching up on all the stuff I'd missed, tucked away in a distant corner of the library, Frank had come along and sat with me for a while, but I hadn't let him distract me, I'm so behind it's fucking scary, I have to get caught up by Winter break or I'll probably fail exams. 

  My eyes feel heavier than usual, I didn't get much sleep last night and it feels like facts and figures and dates are attacking my brain with killer stings. I groan. 

  "What's up, Hadley?" comes a mocking voice next to me.

  I glance up with wide eyes to see Drake stood there, his large arms crossed over his buff chest. I look him up and down, he even looks like a douche, dressed in expensive brands and a shirt that has a neck line that plunges deeper than a whore's. 

  "Hey Drake" I mumble awkwardly, I go to pull open my locker even though I just closed it, I don't know what to do in social situations, I just kind of zone out, so I wrench open my locker and try to think of something to pull out of it. But there's no need, because a second after Drake slams it closed, I only just manage to yank my fingers out of the way. 

  "So I heard you're dating Frank" Drake raises an eyebrow at me. I shift awkwardly. 

  "I guess" I shrug offhandedly. 

  "You fucked him yet?" Drake questions as he moves to stand in front of my locker, picking at his nails casually. I feel heat flood my cheeks and he smirks as he inspects me closely. "That answers that question I guess" he shrugs as he leans forward to smirk at me. 

  I scowl as I angle away from his intimidating body, but he only looms closer. 

  "How was it, Hadley?" Drake asks huskily, "I bet he was really bad wasn't he?" he narrows his eyes at me playfully, flexing his biceps suggestively, "I can make you feel better" he smirks at me.

  "I'll pass" I tell him, wrinkling my nose. His blue eyes seem to darken as he lumbers towards me, I take a hasty step back. 

  "I'm not good enough for you?" he growls as he snags my arm. I try to shake it off but I'm so small compared to him. 

  "You're an asshole who's always hated me" I scowl at him, shaking my arm to try and get rid of his hand. 

  Drake spins me round and shoves me into the locker, I yelp as my shoulder absorbs the impact. But suddenly Leah is there at his shoulder, I sigh, this isn't going to turn out good. 

  "This bitch giving you trouble, Drake?" she smiles at him sweetly, laying a manicured hand on Drake's broad shoulder. 

  "She sure is" Drake grins at me evilly. I give a heavy sigh. 

  "Good, I've been looking for a reason to punch her lately" Leah grins at him, and then she lunges at me like a charging bull. 

  I yell out as her body collides with mine and I'm sent sprawling into the metal lockers once again, I'm sent to the floor almost immediately, Leah stands above me, her gaze triumphant. I scowl at her, rubbing my tailbone. 

  "Look's like you're finally where you belong" she smirks down at me, people pause on the way to their next class "At my feet" she leans down to whisper. I give a growl and then my hand shoots out, tangling with her hair and yanking. She shrieks as her body follows her hair to the ground. Her face smashes into the locker and scrapes all the way down it until it collides with the floor. I give a laugh as I scamper to my feet. 

  "You absolute bitch!" she screeches from the floor, clutching at her scalp, when she pulls it away a lump of hair comes with it. I smirk at her. 

  Someone clutches my arm and I yelp as Drake yanks me towards him, looming down at me with a sneer. I struggle viciously but his grip is way too tight. 

  "Hey!" there's a furious shout from behind me and another hand clamps around the arm that Drake doesn't hold. I'm yanked away from Drake and collide with someone else's chest. I look up with shock only to see Frank looking down at me worriedly. 

  "You okay?" he asks me softly, running a hand down my cheek, I nod quickly. Frank lets go of me and angles his body so that he stands in front of mine, glaring at Drake dangerously. 

  "Don't you dare touch her again" Frank growls, his fists balled, I clutch a fistful of his Iron Maiden shirt, I really don't want to get him into trouble yet again. 

  "Or what, emo? You gonna hurt me?" Drake coos at him, Leah stands up, sneering at me. 

  "Frank lets just leave" I urge him. 

  "Listen to your bitch, Frank" Drake smirks at us, people have gathered around, expecting a fight. 

  I feel Frank tense against me and I struggle to keep my hold on him "Frank" I warn, my voice tight. But he's already took a threatening step forward, even though Frank did take the step, Drake throws the first punch. 

  Drakes colossal fists lashes out, but his size lets him down, Frank's smaller and therefore quicker, he dodges it easily, bends low and his fist connects with Drake's ribs. Drake doubles over, groaning in pain, he lashes out another fist, and it connects with Frank's jaw, I yell out as Frank stumbles. 

  I wince as Frank crumples against a locker. I lunge forward to clamp a hand around Frank's wrist, and I yank him to the side just as Drake lunges. Drake crashes into the locker while Frank crashes into me. 

  Drake grabs Frank again, yanking him away from me. Frank spins in Drake's large arms, Drake is so much bigger than him that I feel tears flood my eyes. But Frank, being the sneaky bastard he is, goes for the more affective if not slightly less honourable route. His knuckles connect with Drake's crotch, and everyone that's been gathered around winces as Drake lets out a howl of pain. 

  I think it's probably a good time to get out of here now. I grab Frank's shoulders and pull him away from Drake, who has now crumpled to the floor in pain. I clasp my hand around Frank's and pull him away quickly to a crowd of cheering students. 

  We stumble down a corridor that's been deserted, the bell went a few minutes ago, I quickly pull Frank through a door to an empty classroom and slam it after we're both through. I turn to see him rested against the desk of whichever teacher owns this classroom, his hand pressed against his jaw. I go to him, lifting my hand to rest it against his cheek, he smiles at me thinly. 

  "Please don't get into any more fights" I whisper. He grins, but a slow trickle of blood has leaked from the corner of his mouth, I wipe it away gently and then press my lips to his. He smiles when I pull away. 

  "I'll stop getting into fights when you stop starting them" he mumbles, his hands on my hips, I scowl as I let my forehead fall against his jaw, the uninjured side of it anyway. 

  "I didn't start it" I growl, he just chuckles and twists his head so that he can press his lips to my forehead. I smile softly. 

  "If I could just cut in" comes a new voice. I jump with a gasp, glancing around to see Gerard stood there awkwardly. I smile at him, pulling away just a little from Frank. 

  "Of course you can" Frank smiles at him, but I can see the protectiveness on his face, it makes me smile weakly. Gerard doesn't smile back, or even look at Frank, his eyes stay trained on me. 

  "It's time to say goodbye, Had" Gerard's voice is so soft I barely catch it, but of course I do, it's the words I've been dreading so badly lately.

  My heart plummets, my eyes grow wide, the all too familiar feeling of loss washes back into my chest once again.

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