Chapter Twenty Eight - Gun.

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  “You sure you’re ready for this?” Mikey asks slowly as we approach the school. I take a breath, of course I’m not ready for this, why the hell would I want to go back to school? But sadly, I have to go back. I can’t hide in that huge lonely house forever, even if it has been a little less lonely with Kristi and Mikey coming over all the time, and even Lizzy and Eric visit me now, they even brought Esme along with them last time. 

 “Sure” I lie to Mikey, giving him a wobbly smile. He gives me one back, giving my shoulders a squeeze as he pushes his glasses up his nose. 

  “Kristi’s there” I point her out, she gives an excited wave as she spots us, stood on the steps of the school. Mikey looks down at me, a grin spreading across his face. I smile and give him a shove forward, he give me a grateful smile and rushes off towards the weedy girl. 

  They are literally the cutest thing I’ve ever seen, I think as they grin at each other before sharing a shy kiss. My chest tightens with happiness, Mikey deserves to be happy so much more than I do, and Kristi deserves to be loved by someone who wont judge her no matter what. 

  I take my time getting to them, giving them a few moments alone before they have to traipse into a place where they will surely be judged all day. 

  “And breathe” I call as I get to them, they refuse to come up for air, I make a face as I stand awkwardly waiting. Way too long later, Kristi pulls away to smile at me with embarrassment. 

  “Come on, you horny unicorns” I roll my eyes at them, they smirk at me and we all turn to stroll into the school. 

  People stare again, just like they did the first time I came back after Gerard died. This is the first time I’ve been back since the suicide attempt, and obviously the news has spread by now. But at least now I don’t have to deal with the staring alone, now Mikey and Kristi stand on either side of me and glare at the people who leer, with an air of bodyguards, just very... unimpressive ones. Oh well, they're effective, people glance quickly away when they receive a piercing look. 

  “This is going to be fun” I say sarcastically as I yank open my locker.

  “It’s going to be fine” Kristi says comfortingly, but she’s quickly silenced as Mikey gives her a sweet kiss on the cheek, she turns to kiss him full on the lips, her hand on his waist, I inspect them with wides eyes and an open mouth for a moment, wondering if that’s what everyone looks like when they kiss, I sure as hell hope not because that is nasty. I turn away quickly, half shoving my face into the locker to block out the horrifying sounds. 

  “Hadley” comes a quiet voice from next to me, my heart falls from my chest as the all too familiar voice registers in my mind. I look to the left, two sets of black hair, pale skin and hazel eyes await me. 

  Frank and Gerard both stand there, Frank hangs back ever so slightly, his hands shoved deep into the pockets of his emerald green jeans. Gerard stands next to my locker, looking at me with earnest eyes. 

  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me” I stare at the both of them, eyes narrowed.

  “What?” Gerard frowns with confusion, tugging anxiously at his Metallica shirt.  

  “I haven’t spoken to the both of you for days, because you were together in the first place, and you think the best way to approach me would be together?” I stare at them, my eyebrows high on my forehead, Frank looks at the floor, his black hair falls into his eyes a little, its almost like his protective shield, and I shove away the warmth the spreads through my chest at the level of cuteness that reaches. It's a pretty dangerous fucking level too, like type of level that can destroy a girl's soul.  

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