Chapter Twenty Seven - I'm Not Okay.

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  I jerk away from Frank like I've been electrocuted. I sit up quickly, stumbling from the bed butt naked, I ignore both them both as I feel their eyes trained on me. 

  "Hadley" Gerard whines, glancing away quickly. 

  "What?" I snarl, "He's already seen me naked and you're dead, it's not like you're going to tell anyone about it" I hiss at him. 

  I find my underwear and pull it on hastily, almost falling in my haste, then I snatch my shorts from the floor and yank them over my legs. 

  "Hadley," Frank says slowly, I glance over to see him pulling on a pair of boxers, his eyes don't leave mine. 

  "Don't even fucking start!" I yell at him, throwing his trousers at him, they hit him in the chest with a soft slap. 

  "How are you mad at me for this?" he demands, pulling his black pants on, I find my unicorn shirt and yank it over my torso. 

  "How could you not tell me?" I hiss at him. Gerard stands, looking between the two of us with a gleeful smirk. 

  "How could I not believe I was going crazy?" Frank exclaims, throwing his arms in the air to stare at me disbelievingly, I forcefully avoid glancing down at his still bare chest, which is distracting the fuck out of me. 

  "You could see him the whole time!" I yell, "Is that the only reason you ever even spoke to me? Because Gerard told you to?" I demand. 

  "No!" he yells, starting to get angry. 

  "Oh my god" I breathe, realisation floods through me "You could see him the whole time..." I trail off. 

  "Yes..." Frank says slowly. 

  "The fight with Leah" I stare at Frank, daring him to try and deny anything "You were there" I look to Gerard, he glances at the floor "And then you said you'd be right back, and then Frank was there." I look between the two of them, horror on my face "And then when I tried to kill myself. Gerard was there, and then you weren't, and then you were there" I look at Frank, my eyes wide and staring. Neither one of them will look at me. 

  "Everything you did that changed my perception of you..." I shake my head at him "Would never have happened if Gerard didn't tell you to do it" I whisper. Frank looks at the floor.

  "Hadley, that is slightly true" he says quickly, his voice shaking uncertainly, and I'm sure fear floods his hazel eyes, "He did tell me where you were and what was happening. But I would have done the things I did even if he hadn't told me" his eyes plead with me, and his hands seem to be reaching for me even though we're meters apart. 

  "No you wouldn't!" I shout, voice quivering "You would never have even known!" I shake my head, pushing my hands into my temples, a pounding rings through my skull like a heavy drum beat. 

  "I agree with Hadley" Gerard chirps, I turn to him, murder on my face, he smirks though, not even noticing my piercing look, but I suppose he gets it when my palm connects with his cheek, he yelps loudly.

  "Don't think I'm not mad at you!" I slam my hands against his chest and he stumbles back against the door.

  "This isn't my fault!" he exclaims.

  "This is entirely your fucking fault!" I bellow at him, furious "You went to him first! You told me I was your best friend and you went to him first!" 

  "What's that supposed to mean?" Frank frowns. I throw him a piercing look that quickly silences him. 

 "You are my best friend!" Gerard exclaims indignantly, his voice higher than usual. 

 "You lied to me!" I snarl at him "You left me and then when you came back you didn't even come to me first! And then you lied!" I scream. Red floods his cheeks, and he has the decency to look ashamed. 

  "I'm sorry" he mumbles. 

  "Sorry doesn't cut it Gerard! You are the worst best friend in the history of best friends!" I yell. Tears flood his eyes, and I grind my teeth together, forcing myself not to apologise, he deserves this.

  "Are you mad at me?" Frank asks quietly, I look over at him, he's sat on his bed, head in his hands. The anger washes a way a smudge, but I force myself to remain angry. 

  "Yes, I'm angry Frank" I say through gritted teeth, avoiding his eyes, because I see the pain there I'll melt, and I cant do that right now. 

  "Why though?" he asks, looking up at me, hazel eyes confused and lost, and I glance away quickly "I mean, I've forgiven you for stuff" 

  "What have you ever forgiven me for?!" I demand, crossing my arms over my chest. 

  "How about all those times with Gerard?" he frowns at me, his black eyebrows knitting together. 

  "What?" I ask dumbly, now confused myself. 

  "When I told Gerard to invite you along to all those get-togethers, you could have met Lizzy and Eric and everyone else way before last night, but you always stood us up" he frowns, his lip jutting out, and from his face I can tell this is a blatant thing that's been bothering him, maybe for ages. 

  My mouth falls open, and slowly I turn to face Gerard, fury burning in my chest.  

  "What the fuck did you do?" I snarl, my lip curling and eyes flashing. 

  "What?" both Frank and Gerard ask in unison. 

  "Gerard never told me about you saying anything. I never even knew you were friends until you told me" I wave a hand at Frank, and his eyes narrow. 

  "Why do you think I always made fun of you?" Frank asks, standing to stare at me, "Because Gerard always told me that you hated me, he said you didn't want to be friends with me..." Frank trails off. 

  "I... I never said that" I shake my head, I glance at Gerard "You lied again, you made me sound like a complete bitch" I tell him quietly, but the viciousness in my tone is hard to contain, he runs a hand through his black hair, staring at the floor. 

  "You didn't blow me off all those times?" Frank asks quietly, staring at me like he's only seeing me for the first time.

  "No, I never even knew you wanted to meet me" I reply, my voice a snap, but not directed at Frank, levelling my gaze at Gerard, who is conveniently staring at the floor.

  "I knew you wouldn't want to meet him, you hated him" Gerard says quickly, glancing at me and then away. 

  "No!" I yell instantly, pointing an angry finger at him "I hated him because you told me all those horrible things about him!" I feel like tearing my hair out I'm so frustrated, just a web of lies that centered completely around Gerard, created to keep Frank and I apart, for no fucking reason.

  "Why would you do that?" Frank asks softly, staring at Gerard with growing anger in his eyes.

  Gerard looks between the two of us, staring with wide eyes, like a rabbit caught in the headlights of a swerving car. 

  "I need to go" I mutter, shaking my head. I pick up my Dr Martens from Frank's floor. 

  "Hadley," Frank says, he catches my hand as I go to walk past. But I shake it off quickly avoiding his eyes, which I know will be full of an emotion that will make my heart ache. 

  "I just... I need to be alone, okay? Just for a while" I say firmly, looking between Gerard and Frank, glaring at both of them so they get the message. 

  I give Frank the faintest of smiles, then I glare at Gerard until he moves out the way of the door. Then I flee through it, not looking back at either of them. 

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