Chapter 1. What happened to us?

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(Edit note: If my family sees this. Don't ask me about it I will freak out)

Lucy woke up to the sun rays peaking in she got up and look around her room. "Maybe I should give my apartment a makeover pink is losing it's spark to me now in days" she said aloud while stretching. Lucy walked into her bathroom and started her shower, after a long time she got out and wrapped a towel around herself and her hair, she looked herself in the mirror and smiled. She pulled out her tooth brush and went to brush her teeth, she spat out the toothpaste foam and drank some water and spit that out, she then grabbed her hair brush and ran it through her straight blonde hair. She set down the brush and dried herself off fully. Still wearing her towel she walked out of her bathroom and went to her dresser to pick out a outfit, while searching she found something she forgot about from her past. It was an boc her mom gave her when she was younger, and told Lucy
"Sweetheart there is something about this box that is priceless never give it up and I placed a note in here, read it one day when your older please know I will always love you" and that was the last thing she ever said to Lucy before her death.

Her mother die that night. Lucy opened the box and went through the items. Lucy sat on the floor and pulled out the shirt, it was a purple long sleeve top that was cropped enough to show the top of the navel when worn. Lucy grabbed the next item which was a pair of black ripped jeans with a sliver belt attached. Lucy was in awe as she looked it over. She glanced down at the box again to see some sparkly items. She set down the pants and pulled out a sparkly black ribbon. She laid that down beside the pants and grabbed the last wearable item, which was a necklace with a sliver dragon charm in a circle, with a purple gem in the center.

"Mom really went all out huh...." Lucy said softly. Lucy grabbed the letter and opened it carefully so she won't tear the letter inside. Being alone she decided to read it aloud.
"My Dear Lucy, this letter will come as a shock but it must be said. I am a dragon named Melody, but my soul was trapped inside the human body you know me as. Once I pass away my soul will return to my rightful body.. Your father is similar, his soul was also trapped but his real name is Acnologia. He will also return his rightful body. I will see you when you're older" Lucy gasped at this she felt something on her face and she move her hand up to feel that it was tears.

She read the rest of the letter telling how she was the next dragon queen and stuff about her mother and father and how her real last name is starling. She thought back to how Natsu told her about her being his mate, they started dating and she was so happy, until when lissanna came back from the dead. Natsu didn't seemed to care about Lucy anymore.

Lucy shook her head to get the thoughts out and grabbed her new clothes, gripping her towel tightly and walked back to the bathroom to change into her outfit. After what seemed like forever she locked up her apartment and headed to the guild to greet everyone, and get a new mission for money or new keys. As she was walking she leaped on the eagde near the river, the fisherman warning her not to fall in. Lucy smile at them and greet them as usual. She was walking for a while until she made it to the guild. She went it and greeted everyone loudly.

"Good morning everyone!" She gave her best smiled for what seemed like the 100th time today, everyone said good morning to her with a large smile as well. Some of her female acquaintances walked up to her and told her how cute she looked today. While some of the guys were wondering what happen to her usual outfits. Lucy excuse herself from the girls and walked up to Mira, the guilds deadly but cute bartender. Lucy glances around around the guild.

"Hey Mira, where's Natsu? He's usually here before me" Lucy asked with a confused tone of voice.

She greet her and said
"He went in the back because he said he burnt his fishing pole and he heard that I had another one somewhere in the back"

Lucy thanked her and went to the back of the guild to find her dragon slayer boyfriend.
Little did she know another dragon slayer was watching her from above.

A blonde hair lighting dragon slayer herd the doors open knowing it was Lucy he looked at her, feeling his face heat up a bit he looked to the side, not wanting her to catch him. He knew she was his 'mate' the general term for dragon slayers lovers and he knew she had a boyfriend but he saw how Natsu doesn't talk to her much anymore. He was hoping they will break up soon so he can steal her away and tease the fire dragon more.

Lucy walked to the back of the guild and let out a quite sneeze.

"I wonder who's thinking of Me, maybe...Laxus.." Lucy stopped walking when her face started to flush a light red. "Why him and not Natsu! I'm with that pink haired idiot" She thought to herself as she started to move again, she finally made in to the back and her some odd sounds.
"He must be eating again" Lucy thought and she let out a sigh. She turned the corner but saw Natsu and lisana kissing each other. "Natsu?...." Lucy said quietly.
"Lucy! I know what this looks like but believe me I love you!" Natsu tried to explain quickly.

"You're kissing Lissanna!? Of all girls you picked her? If you liked her so much why did you pick me!?" Lucy yelled at him.
"You guys just act like each other and she was supposedly dead-" Natsu said but was cut off.
"You lied to me because I acted like her!? Really! That's all you have to say!" Lucy stomped towards him, her face scrunched up in rage.
"Look, please I'm sorry..." Natsu begged and he let go of Lissana.

"Sorry?, no, no! You don't get to be 'sorry' we're done I don't need this" In rage Lucy went up to Natsu and Lissanna and slapped both of them.

"Have fun being single Lu Lu~" Lissanna finally said while clinging to Natsus arm. Lucy turned around and sprinted to the guild hall crying, she ran passed everyone while wiping her tears away and pushed open the doors. Lucy ran all the way home, threw open her doors and landed on her bed.

"I can't face them again, I care for everyone but I just can't. I should try to go somewhere new, I should try to find my parents." Lucy convinced herself. She got up and summoned Virgo.

"Please pack up my apartment and tell the landlady I'm leaving, I'm going to the guild and talk to the guild master" Lucy told her. Virgo nodded and got to work.

Lucy made her way to guilds master's office, she gently knocked on the door

"What is it my child?" A stressed voice spoke from the other side of the door.

Lucy opened the door, closing it and stood in front of the guilds master paper filled desk.

"I'm having a stressful time lately, so I would have two request only you can do" Lucy explained.

"I see, and what would those requests be?" He asked with a raised brow.

"I would like to help you with the paper work, to ease your stress and I would like to leave fairy tail to train."

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