Chapter 6. Dream

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Lucy appeared in a place thay was just grass for miles.
She saw three people three and huge beings behind them, they kept coming closer and closer. Lucy just froze she can't move. This snowy white haired girl appeared first, lucy remembered her, she was one of Lucy's bffs from her childhood. Along with Nova and Zerfe but she betrayed me, she hurt me in my past and then she went to my mom and dad, the human ones and would tell them that Lucy hurt her like what lisanna did a few days back. There was someone else, she forgot his name, there was a blue icy looking dragon behind her also this black hair onyx eyed girl with a black and blue striped dragon. She couldn't remember his name Then there was Zerfe there was also this brown hair girl, with the black jeans, big curly hair, glasses, red top and black shoes. Behind her was a purple dragon with music scales on it. They all went up to Lucy. "Lucy!" The brown haired one yelled. "Hello? Sorry but I only recognize the black dragon and Zerfe". The brown hair one looked shocked. So did the black haired girl and the other two dragons plus the exceeds.
"I'm your mother" "And I'm your father" the purple and black dragon spoke. Lucy's eyes widen black, blue, and purple highlights tip the bottom her hair, but it looked so pretty. Lucy looked to her side, Laxus laid there, looking peaceful, which made Lucy blushed.
"Oh my mavis is this a dream or...." Lucy said aloud.
"This is and dream but also real.....Lucy starling" An icy guy said in a low voice for a guy that feels cold.
"We- will me, him, Nova, your mom and dad also frost miss you friend" The brown hair girl tackled me into a hug then the others did
"You made not remember me which is shocking, but I'm Cancer we were and still friends. Cancer skipped, looks like she has a lot of energy to get rid of. "OH! I remember you guys now!" Luct yelled and hug all of them plus the exceeds

Lucy woke up for the second time. Her hair still had the highlights, with a very worry looking laxus over at her, from the side of her, and tackled her into a hug.
"What happened?" She asked.

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