Chapter 9. Day with family

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Once training was done lucy got two keys out, a black and blue striped one and  the black and purple key. Lucy saw the two people from her dream walking up to her it look like Cancer and Conner.
"Hey Lucy, where you going off to?" Cancer asked.
"Well I'm going to spend the day with my mom and dad because I haven't seen them for a long time." Lucy said.
"Ok Lucy you have fun, me and Cancer are going to go look at cats and dragons bones stuff like that but Cancer wants to look at Iron for some reason" Conner told Lucy.
"Okay you two have fun"She said. Cancer and Conner walked way, but Cancer started running and Conner is trying to keep up with her
"You can't beat me Conner!"
"Why are you so fast!?" She heard the two yell as they got farther away from me
"OPEN GATE OF THE MUSIC DRAGON MELODY OPEN GATE THE DEATH DRAGON ACNOLOGIA!" Lucy yelled while holding the two keys in the air, a bright yellow light shined and the the two dragons from her dream come out in front of her.
"Hello sweetheart my, my you have gotten tall" Her mother said. "She is right I got to see you but don't worry I never meant to hurt you I was being controlled." Her father said and looking down in disappointment.

Lucy then went up and hugged him then she hugged her mom "I missed you guys" She said.
"We miss you two" They said at the same time.
"So has my baby found her mate yet?" Mom wiggled her eyebrows.
"They better treat you right, or I'll beat them!" Her father yelled very loud, it made her think Laxus might have heard it.

Laxus woke up to see that his lovely Lucy wasn't there but a note was.


I'm spending the day with my mom and dad so you can manger without me for a whole day don't do anything dumb or I'll beat you, jk maybe.

Love, LuLu ;) <3

He read that in his head
"Hmpf" He puffed.

"They better treat you right or I'll beat them!"  A vert loud voice yelled. Oh he knows that was  Lucy's dad.

Lucy and her parents went down to the earth realm in their human forms. Lucys mom looked like Lucy but with purple hair, pink eyes, a 2 feet taller then me and a foot taller then herdad. She sported on a pinky purple crop top and some white shorts with purple and white boots. They went to a park, her dad push her and her mom on the swings because why not and they made him, which he was happy with.. Then they went for ice cream, but she saw blue ball of fluff came in to the store with a pink haired dragon slayer, Natsu and Gray came in as well
"Lusie!?" Happy yelled and flew in Lucy's chest crying. Her dad caught Lucy beforenshe fell from impact
"Hey, Lucy what are you doing here!?" Natsu yelled, her dad and mom were getting mad but she gave them a look telling them to wait.
"Wait, Acnologia is here!" Gray points a ice sword at her dads neck. Lucy took the sword from him
"Don't you even dare to  hurt my father you hear me!?" She warned. 
"Father!?"The two boys yelled. "Fight us!" They both demanded at the same time, lucy smirked and nodded.

A portal open and they all walked through it, enter a huge grassy place, not like the dream.

"Roar of the fire dragon!" The blast came at her.

But little did they know, she trained with each dragon for two months.

She micked Natsu and sucked up the fire
"Ew that's the worst fire I have ever had,yuck!" Lucy gagged.

"What!? Did you see Ingeel!" Lucy nodded.
"Dragon Qeens secret art: Dragon form!" She yelled as she turned into a black, white, yellow, blue, and purple dragon, which resembles Acnologia but with the colors put in different placrd. They look at her dumb found expression.
Lucy roared at them, but turned to happy.

"Happy you can join me instead of them" Lucy said.
Happy was about to fly over but gray hit him in ice and happy caught him. 
"How are you a dragon!?" Natsu and gray yelled, but she didn't respond.
"DRAGON QUEEN ROAR" The roar was bigger than the dragon slayers roar and the all the dragon roars mixed it was still a bit bigger they all pass out. She sent them to the guild and turned back to normal. They all went back to the house without Happy. She said good bye to her parents and walked back home, to be greeted by Laxus. He was there in shorts and short sleeved T-Shirt.
"Lulu you left me all alone" Laxus whined.
"Sorry hunny" She smiled and yawn.
Laxus quickly got change and jumped on the bed.
"I'm tired" he groaned.
She agreed and hopped into bed as well.
And they both went to bed.

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