Chapter 10. 10 years ago in the guild

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   Fairy tail was partying for Lucy leaving, they spent so long making it seem like they care about her that they finally can let loose.

   Gajeel, Evergreen, Bixlow, Freed, Wendy, Happy, Charla, PatherLily, Master, Master Mavis, Gray, Mira, Ezra,Guild and Master Mavis was the most sad by the lost of their guild member. Master Mavis was sad because Lucy was like a grand daughter to her.
"OI! Because the drama Queen is gone I have something to say!" Natsu yelled from standing on a table.
Everyone look at him wondering what he had to say.
"Lisana and I are now dating!" Natsu yelled again, but with a cheer.

He picked lisana and kissed her cheek. Everyone started cheering expect for the people that missed Lucy, they were mad he was the reason she left.

   Master Mavis was crying while covering her face.. Natsu went up to her and asked,
"Crying tears of joy because me and Lisana are dating? That's nice of you Master Mavis" Natsu gave his dumb grin.
You can feel how mad Mavis was.

"You jerk! You broke our sweet Lucy's heart! You were the one that made her leave the guild. You chose Lucy to come here in the first place. You shouldn't be in this guild!" Mavis yelled and sob.

Everyone crowed around her to help her.
"All of you are the unforgivable Wizards. The only ones that loved Lucy the way she, are proud guild members" Mavis said and everyone looked shock, being called unforgivable.

"Master Makarov, I want to make some people S-class wizards if I may" Mavis said while looking at Master Makarov, whipping her tears away.
"Of course First Master Mavis go ahead" Makarov told her while gesturing to the crowd.

"Gajeel, Evergreen, Bixlow, Freed, Wendy, Happy, Charla, PatherLily, Gray you are all the S-class wizards. For staying true to the guilds reputation and completing so many near death battles" Mavis Announced.

"Yeah! I'm a S class wizard!" Natsu yelled happily.

"No you're not Natsu" Mater Makarov yelled while wacking him.
"But happy is now an S-class and he is my partner!" Nastu yelled back.

"We are not partners when Lucy comes back she is my partner and she is my mom now!" Happy flew up to Natsu's face.

"Lisana is your mom not that weakling" Nastu complained.

"Lucy has been more of my mom then that undead witch" Happy insultes her while crying.

"We are not apart of team Natsu anymore!" Wendy told him. Charla, happy, and gray all nodded in agreement.

Natsu just sat there looking shocked.
"Master Mavis Lucy is like close family to you, why?" Levy came up and said.

"Yes she is" Master Mavis said to her. Levy started crying, levy look to Gajeel for help but he just glared at her with hate.

"Levy" Gajeel suddenly said.
"Yes Gajeel?" Levy looked happy again and gave him her best smile.

"Pather Lily and I are leaving your team you, three are Jerks and low class anyway" Gajeel scoffed.

Levy was stunned.

"When Lucy comes back she will be a high Class wizard a higher class then guild arts, with her new powers" Master Mavis and Makarov said at the same time, then looked at each other and laughed.

Guild arts was filled with joy. But Natsu was very mad at this. "Why would she be better than me!? Why are higher class the guikd arts of all peole! Lucy is one of the top 10 more weak wizards here!" Natsu shouted.

Freed put a rune around Natsu quickly once he saw fire.
The whole guild was shocked and started yelling were Lucy couldn't be a higher class then guild arts and just insults all around.

"Shut up!" Guild Arts yelled at them, hitting a few close ones.

Ezra was on the second floor listening to everything and broke down crying, which was rare for her.
"I'm so sorry Lucy I'm sorry I wasn't there, this guild will pay for hurting my friends" She whispered and started to Laugh. She went down the steps of the guild.
"This guild is dull without Lucy, she was the light of this damn guild" She said in snarky tone. "Lucy....please come back" everyone that loved her thought to themselves.

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