Chapter 24. GMG

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They completed the maze.

"Now to show you the teams!!!" The pumpkin guy yelled.

"In last place we have Blue Pegasus!" 

Ren, Hibiki, and Eve were posing and trying to look cool while walking to the center of the area.

"In 5th place we have Quatro Cerberus!" 

They all walked out and were talking to each other.

"In 4th place we have  Mermaid Heel!"

The guys crowd were  yelling and whistling.

"In 3rd place is Lamia Scale!"

They all walked out quite.

"In 2nd place is Fairy tail!"

They were all wearing the uniform from the guild. 

"And in 1st place we have Sabertooth!!!" The Pumpkin guy scream in the microphone.

The crowd went wild, at the name.

"God it's so loud!" Cece covered her ears.

"These uniforms suck" Natsu said.

"That's the only thing I will agree with you other then food" Cece said.

"I wonder who will win this year" Lucy said.

"Fairy tail of course!" Natsu rolled his eyes. 

"Okay teams!! Everyone go to your stands to we can announce the first event" Pumpkin head yelled.

They all walked to our stands, and once where made it to the top the pumpkin man told them what their first game was.

"A singing contest! Each team will send two people to do a duet, after that the judges will pick a winner, so whoever is last will be awarded 1 point, 5th place will be awarded 5 points, 4th place 7 points, 3rd place 8 points, 2nd place 9 points and first place 10 points!"

"A singing contest?" Conner questioned.

"I think we should send Cece or Lucy down because they are both train have music/sound dragon magic" Erza suggested.

"Maybe both of them should go down" Natsu butted in.

"Oh! I almost forgot one player has to be female and the other a male, unless you don't have a gender then it doesn't matter.

"I will do the contest-" Gajeel started.

"Cece and me will do the contest!" Natsu yelled happily. 

"Wait I didn't agree to this!" Cece said but screamed when Natsu threw her off the stand, jumped after and caught her and stood her up.

"Don't ever touch me!" Cece shrieked while hitting Natsu.

"Remeber that when you are in danger" Natsu teased.

Sherria and Lyon came down from the stands next, then  Yukino and Orga, Jenny and Eve walked to the middle of the area.

"Oh no! Looks like we have a problem! Team Mermaid heel and Team Quatro Ceberus aren't able to do the contest, we will grant them permission to send down both of the same gender!" Pumpkin guy yelled into the microphone again.

Risley and Beth from Mermaid heel jump into the area, while from team Quatro Ceberus Jager and Bacchus jump down.

Draculos Hyberion (2nd wizard saint), Wolfheim (3rd wizard saint), and lastly Warrod Sequen (4th wiard saint) walked through the massive doorway.

"Meet your judges team! The top 4 Wizard saint, 4 because God Serena is no longer the 1st seat Wizard saint. Which makes Draculos the second seat, Wolfheim the third seat and Warrod the fourth seat! The teams that have been chosen gets 5 minutes to decide a song to sing, starting now!" The pumpkin said.

5 minutes passed by

Mermaid heel went first, Risley grabbed the mic, the sang.

(The first singer is Risley and the other girl is Beth)

After they finished the crowd clapped and cheered.

"What a perfect song for these lovely women!" The pumpkin guy announced with a nervous tone.

Next was Sherria and Lyon.

(Sherria was on the guitar) 

The crowd was shocked by the high note Sherria performed.

"What a high note!" The pumpkin guy said while clapping.

Next up was,  Yukino and Orga.

The crowd went wild for the number one guild.

"Wow! I think I got the chills listening to them!" The pumpkin guy yelled.

Jager and Bacchus walk up to the mic and began to sing, 

(Bacchus was the red one and Jager was the blue one)

"What a sad but inspiring song!" The pumpkin guy yelled without the mic.

Jenny and Eve strutted up to the mic.

"Oddly this song fits them" Pumpkin guy announced.

"My thoughts exactly" Cece muttered while crying on the inside.

"We got this!" Natsu yelled happily.

"Shut your trap and sing" Cece said.

"Wow what chemistry! Do I smell romance!?" Pumpkin guy yelled.

Cece open her mouth and sucked in the sound waves and screamed.


"On a different note, literally, lets see who the judges pick as out first winner!"

The judges discuss for a while, then Draculos stood up and said.

"We pick-"

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