Chapter 14. Conner and Cece's date

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Conner had on his normal outfit when he left his house. He was walking to his date's house which was a small green and white house. He knocked on the door and when it opened he saw Cece wearing greens a green sweater.

"Hi Conner" Cece greeted while holding smiling.

"Hello" He greeted back and gave a little smile.
She stepped out and closed her door.
"Where are we heading today?" She asked him.

"Well I was thinking we could go to a park or something" He said while taking her hand in his.

"Cool" Cece said and started dragging him to the park since it was taking a while.

What seemed like a moment later they arrived at small park. Cece let go of  Conners hand and ran to the swings, that were in the middle of terrible wood chips. Conner slowly followed and sat next to her and started swinging with her. She looked like she was having a good time.

"Do you like to sing" She asked.

"Kinda" He responded with a confused tone.

"Can we sing closer?" Cece then added "Seems like a pattern with the author of songs". Which Conner nodded.

"We should sing together more often." Cece told him while walking over to the grass to sit down.

"I would be up to that" He went over and sat down next to her. She lean her head on his shoulder, the sun was moving down the sky.

"Cece?" He asked

"Yes?" She said.

"Would you like to be my girlfriend?"

As expected Cece blushed and gave a blank stare.

"About dam time you asked" She laugh and shoved his arm. They watched the sun go down, deciding to start walking her home.
They arrived at the house and did the classic door romantic scene.

"Goodnight Cece" He said "I love you".

He then turned around and walked off but he hea4d a shaky voice from behind. "Goodnight and I love you too!"

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