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"taehyung!" jimin yelled, running toward him.

taehyung turned around and saw jimin heading his way. it was their first day of senior year and they were both incredibly nervous.

jimin caught up to taehyung and gave him a huge hug in the middle of the hallway.

"thank god you're here," taehyung said, hugging him back.

jimin was taehyung's only and best friend. if it wasn't for him, taehyung would be all alone.

the two held the hug for a moment, finding comfort in it, considering how scared they both were for their first day back at school.

although, the hug was unfortunately cut short when the two boys heard a familiar voice shout something at them.


tae turned around, already knowing where the insult was coming from. taehyung had been bullied by jungkook since his first day of high school. every day jungkook made it his mission to humiliate taehyung in one way or another.

the two made eye contact and out of nowhere, jungkook slammed him into the nearest row of lockers.

"did you miss me?" jungkook smirked, getting all up in taehyung's face and tightening the grip he had on his collar.

"hardly," taehyung replied, with a bitter tone, trying to free himself from jungkook's hold.

jimin was just standing off to the side, watching the encounter like he usually did. he was so terrified of jungkook that he never had the guts to stand up to him or say anything. he would usually just stay quiet and let taehyung deal with it himself and he hated it. it was infuriating watching the way jungkook treated taehyung day after day, while he sat back and did nothing.

he hated it so much.

so with that, jimin decided today was the day he would finally stand up for his best friend.

jimin swallowed, trying to calm his nerves, before shouting,

"jungkook, can you just cut it out already?" jimin started, confidently, "you've been giving taehyung a hard time for years, can't you just leave him alone? we're not kids in ninth grade anymore, we're seniors. maybe you should act like one."

jimin was trying to sound strong to defend his friend, but as soon as jungkook turned around and looked at him, his confidence faltered.

and he realized right then and there that he practically just told thee jeon jungkook to 'grow up'.

deep down he was proud of himself, but in that moment all he felt was terrified.

although, to his surprise, all jungkook did was smirk at him with a stare, then return his attention to taehyung.

"well, well, well, would you look at that, taehyung? your little bitch is trying to get tough."

a look of anger spread across taehyung's face and he hit on jungkook's chest harshly, in an attempt to free himself and failing.

"shut up, you fucking asshole," he started, "don't fucking call him that," taehyung said, still trying to break free of jungkook's hold.

"aw, what is it, tae-tae? don't tell me you don't dream about having your little cock up his ass."

taehyung made another angered attempt at trying to push jungkook off of him, but it was no use.

taehyung was slim and severely lacked in the muscle department. jungkook, on the other hand, was probably the most built guy in their whole school. he was tall, with big biceps, muscular legs, and a toned chest that could probably get just about anyone on their knees for him.

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