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second hour had just ended and jimin still hadn't seen taehyung. he was a bit worried, but not too much, because he assumed tae had ditched with jungkook or something.

jimin was on his way to his next class. he passed by the library and noticed jungkook sitting alone, looking sad. his face was buried in his hands and he had his headphones in. jimin was hesitant, but decided to go talk to him.

he walked over to the table jungkook was at and sat down beside him.

jungkook looked up and pulled out his headphones.




"have you seen tae?" jimin asked.

"no. why would i have seen him?"

"well, he wasn't in second hour and i assumed since you guys are dating that-"

"dating? he didn't tell you?"


"he broke up with me yesterday."

"what? why?"

"i don't know."

"did you... do something?"

"not that i know of. but, he won't talk to me."

"are you sure you don't remember doing anything? something that would scare him or make him feel like he needs to protect himself?"

"what? no."

"then what happened?"

"i told you, i don't know. we were just chilling in bed together, he seemed great, just like normal. i went out to get us some food and when i got back, he was crying and telling me that we needed to break up because i was getting toxic."

"well did you do something to make him think you were toxic?"

"no, i don't think so. we were talking about how you don't want him to date me and how my friend is mad at me for being a dick. i assumed all that just got to his head and he'd come to his senses sooner or later, but i don't know anymore. he wouldn't even talk to me this morning."

"that's so weird..."

"yeah. i wouldn't worry, though. i don't even think he came to school today."

"he did. i drove him here. when we were walking into school, he said he needed a minute to himself and that he'd meet me inside, but i haven't seen him all day."

"wait, really? did you call him?"

"yeah, he didn't pick up."

"wait, hold on. a second ago when you asked me if i did something to make him scared, what'd you mean by that?"

"huh? oh, nothing. i was just curious if you did anything to piss him off."

"did he say something to you?"

"no, he seemed fine. he just showed up at my house and i drove him to school."

"let's just wait till the end of the day. if we still don't see him by then, we'll go look for him."

"o-okay. where can i find you?"

"just go to my car. it's the only tesla in the parking lot. and here's my number if you can't find me."

jimin decided against telling jungkook about the gun incident from earlier. he wasn't sure if he could trust him. although, a part of him did feel a bit guilty. he just didn't know the right thing to do and it was stressing him out.

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