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"yeah, it actually didn't go as bad as i thought it would," jimin said, sitting on his bed with taehyung.

"yeah, your dad is so sweet. i knew you had nothing to worry about."

jimin just giggled, looking at his phone.

"what are you looking at?" tae asked, peeking over at his phone.

jimin quickly pulled it away from tae's view and blushed.

"nothing. i was just telling namjoon about how you invited us to your party."

"then why are you laying there, blushing and giggling like a teenage girl?"

"hey! boys can giggle, too."

"yeah, yeah. really though, what did he say?"

"he was just kidding around."

"okay. go on."

"he... was just talking about what we could do after the party," jimin said, an embarrassed look on his face.

"oh. i really didn't need to know that."

"you asked!"

"well, never mind, then."

tae looked down and saw a text from jungkook.

                                                                    i'm here

cominggggg dad

                                      rlly tho, r u into that shit

it was a joke
calm your hormones

                                               i'm not hearing a no

stfu i'm heading out now

                                ima keep that in mind

tae just laughed and slid his phone back into his pocket.

"i gotta go, jimin. jungkook's here."

"awh, okay."

jimin and tae hopped up and headed down the stairs.

"are you heading out, taehyung?" jimin's dad asked.

"yeah, thanks for having me."

"no problem. come over anytime. and tell jungkook we're thinking about him, alright? and of course, you as well."

"thanks, i will. and i'm sorry again for everything. taking your gun and dragging jimin into-"

"taehyung, you don't need to keep apologizing. you've been through enough."

tae just did a quick nod and walked over by jimin. he gave him a tight hug and then started heading out the door.

"bye, tae! tell jungkook i said hello!"

"i will. bye, chim!"

tae ran over to jungkook's car and hopped in.

"hey," jungkook said, looking over and smiling at him.

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