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tae's eyes opened wide as he saw yoongi walk in the room.

they both looked shocked to see each other.

"...taehyung?" yoongi questioned.

tae couldn't respond due to the tape covering his mouth, but his face said it all.

"oh, you boys know each other? well, that just makes this even better," the dad said.

both boys stayed quiet, just staring at each other in pure shock.

"well, i'll leave you two to discuss the plan," the dad said, ripping the tape off of tae's mouth and heading out the door.

tae viciously started pulling at his restraints, ready to fight yoongi.

yoongi just stood there, trying to process what was happening.

"what the fuck are you doing here?" yoongi asked, in a hushed tone.

"you fucking asshole. you were his friend," tae yelled.

"i still am his friend."

"no, you're fucking not. you're a trader. you're a criminal!"

"no, i'm not. just tell me what the fuck is going on."

"if you cared about jungkook at all then you wouldn't be here right now."

"i came here because i care about him. just tell me what the fuck is going on already."

"you first."

"listen, i was really pissed at him. i still am. and i had never met his dad, until today. i came to talk to jungkook and apologize, but he wasn't here. just his dad. when i came into his house he started talking about this plan that he had, how he wanted to get revenge on jungkook or some shit. i was so freaked out, i wasn't even listening to him. it was getting weird, so i was gonna sneak out, but i started to get a really strange vibe from the guy. then i saw the gun on his counter and it really freaked me the fuck out. i pretended to be in on the plan and then he said he wanted to take me to see his 'little friend'. i thought maybe he was just a crazy ass and was gonna show me his dog or some shit, i didn't even know you were here. why the fuck are you here anyway?"

"what the fuck does it look like? he fucking kidnapped me, tied me up, and has been torturing me down here."

"wait... what?" a look of fear spread across yoongi's face.


"so he's like... actually fucking crazy?"

"yeah. you don't want him on your bad side."

"why didn't you fucking say that earlier? we gotta hurry and get out of here," yoongi said, starting to untie taehyung.

"no! stop. this isn't gonna work. he thinks you're on his side and you need to keep it that way."

"what? then what am i supposed to do?"

"i don't know. just don't tell jungkook or jimin, they're in serious danger and i don't want them to get hurt."

"w-what? but how will-"

"or the cops. nobody can know."

"but-" yoongi was cut off when jungkook's dad walked back in, holding a gun.

"did you tell him about the plan?"

"uhm... sort of. he's a bit of a dumbass, so i don't know if he really gets it."

"you two need to kiss. then i can snap a picture and send it to jungkook. he'll think tae has moved on. then he'll stop looking for him."

"but then won't he like... kill me?" yoongi asked, worried.

"well that's not really my problem, is it?" the man said, tossing the gun back and forth in his hands.

"i... i guess not."

the man pulled out tae's phone from his pocket and held it up.


yoongi looked over at tae. he looked scared and all around just broken. yoongi leaned in and kissed him, anyways, not wanting to go against jungkook's father.

tae felt so dirty. he just wanted jungkook.

"fucking disgusting," the man said, after he snapped the photo.

he made sure to take it at an angle where you couldn't notice that tae's hands were tied up and it was easy to edit out the marks on his face.

"yoongi, get out. i'll call you if i need anything else."

"o-okay," yoongi said, quickly running towards the door.


yoongi turned around, scared for his life.

the man pointed the gun at yoongi.

"jungkook better not hear about this. or anyone else."

yoongi just nodded and ran quickly to the exit.

Bully | TaekookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora