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later that night, after shopping with jungkook, tae was curled up in his bed and decided to facetime jimin.

after a few rings, jimin finally picked up.

"hey, jimin," taehyung said.

"hey, tae! what's up?"

"i don't know. i was just bored."

"hold on, you can show me the room you're  staying in! over facetime, so the owners won't be mad."

"uhm... okay. i guess that's fine," tae said, picking up the phone and turning it all around, showing jimin the room.

"ohhh fancy! how'd you get so lucky?" jimin asked.

"i don't know, just kinda happened, i guess," tae said, quickly trying to think of something to change the subject, "also, what's the plan for your birthday?"

"hmm, not sure. i was thinking we could just have a sleepover at my house. with lots of food. and movies. and pajamas!" jimin said, with a smile.

"sounds great to me," tae said, laughing at jimin's child-like excitement.

"awesome! we can also have it on my actual birthday because it's on a friday this year."

"sounds awesome, chim. i gotta go, but i'll see you tomorrow. "

"okay, bye tae! and don't forget; friday, my house, sleepover."

"i won't, i promise," tae laughed, ending the call.

the second he ended the call, he felt lonely. he didn't exactly know why he told jimin he had to leave. honestly, he would've been happy to stay on the phone all night with him, but a part of tae was telling him to hang up.

the dark part of him.

the part that would make tae feel like jimin didn't want to talk with him, that he was a burden. tae felt like he was a burden to everyone. jimin, jungkook, and himself.

he sat there for a moment and realized that those were the only people he really had.

jimin, jungkook, and himself.

and out of those three people, jimin was really the only one who cared about him.

or at least, tae thought jimin was the only one who cared.

tae stood up. he needed to relieve the stress, relieve the pain. and he was gonna do it the only way he knew how.

once he was up, he walked over to his bag. pulling out his box of razors, he slid one out and into his hand. sitting back down on the bed, he pulled his long sleeves up slightly, just so he would have enough room to make one small cut. he brought the razor to his wrist, taking a few deep breaths. as he was about to make a cut, someone walked in.

taehyung looked up, shocked to see jungkook standing there.

tae was so embarrassed. he had always tried to appear strong in front of jungkook, like he had no fears. now there he was, in his most vulnerable state, with jungkook staring at him.

there was silence. this wasn't normal jungkook and taehyung silence, this silence was heavy. so heavy, that they could both feel it.

he's just in shock

in two seconds he'll probably turn and run away

tae waited. jungkook never ran away. they both just sat there. the thick silence, eating away at both of them.

tae was looking down at his feet, but soon gained the courage to look up and meet eyes with jungkook.

taehyung was shocked at what he saw.

when he looked up, he saw tears streaming down jungkook's face.

again, he expected jungkook to run away, embarrassed, but he stayed.

taehyung didn't have words. for the first time in his life, he was really, truly, and utterly speechless.

so, he did the only thing he could do. he stood up from the bed, ran over, and wrapped his arms around jungkook.

jungkook hugged tae back, pulling him closer as he cried into his shoulder.

"i-i'm sorry," he sobbed out.

"i know, it's okay."

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