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tae couldn't deal with jungkook's bipolar attitude anymore. he needed to get a job so he could save enough money and get his own place. he needed to get out of jungkook's house and out of his life. whether taehyung had feelings for him or not, it didn't matter.

jungkook was no good for him.

he quickly searched the internet for job openings. he hoped, now that he had a place to stay and looked a bit nicer, he would have a better chance at getting a job. he saw that a local restaurant had a few openings and decided to apply.

once he sent out the application, he decided to go to school. he missed his first few periods, but he figured he might as well go.

after getting all ready, he headed off to school. he was wearing a black and white plaid shirt, black pants, and black shoes (all things that jungkook had bought him).

once he finally got to school, he headed to english class

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once he finally got to school, he headed to english class. when he walked in, the whole class was staring at him, including jungkook. tae walked past him, rolling his eyes. he made his way across the room and sat down by jimin.

"late once again, taehyung".

"sorry, mr. kim. i had a long night," tae said, glaring at jungkook.

the whole class was silent, practically feeling the tension radiating off of taehyung and jungkook.

"alright, moving on. i want you guys to open your books to page-"

"pssst," jimin whispered.


"what happened?"

"it's a long story. i don't really wanna talk about it," tae said.

"oh, come on. you can-"

"boys, please be quiet when i'm talking," namjoon said, not looking jimin in the eyes, "it's important you both hear this."


after lunch, and a few more boring classes, school was finally over.

taehyung rushed out in a hurry, not even waiting to see jimin. he had a job interview and he didn't want to be late

once he arrived, he headed to the bathroom to make sure he still looked alright. checking out his outfit, he actually felt happy. he looked decent for once.

leaving the bathroom, he waited to be called back for the interview. while sitting down, he saw jungkook waiting for his food. he hesitated but decided to go and talk to him.

"order number twenty-three," the man behind the counter shouted.

jungkook grabbed his food and headed for the exit.

"jungkook! wait," tae said.

jungkook turned around, saw taehyung, but continued to leave.

tae was going to follow him out and demand to talk with him, but he heard someone calling his name.

sighing, he turned around and walked over to do his interview.


after class ended, jimin decided to stay behind a bit and talk with joon. he was beyond nervous, bet he knew he had to talk with him at some point. they had unfinished business and they both knew it.

"uhm... mr. kim?" jimin said, walking up to his desk.

"yes, jimin? are you confused about something?"

jimin was sad, knowing that joon was just pretending that nothing had happened between the two of them. not a second had gone by where jimin hadn't thought about their little encounter and there was no way in hell that namjoon had just forgotten.

"n-no... i just... can we talk?" jimin asked, putting a hand on namjoon's desk and sliding it closer to him, slyly.

"jimin, i... we can't talk here."

"why not?" jimin asked, the tips of his fingers finally brushing against joon's hand.

namjoon just looked down, taking a deep breath and trying to calm himself down- staring at jimin's hand that was now barely touching his.

"i-it's not... safe for me here. or you."

"then what are we gonna do?"

"nothing. if you don't have any questions, then you can let yourself out."


"stop. please. it's for the best," namjoon said, looking down.

"o-okay... fine," jimin said, being sure to leave the note that he had prepared earlier behind on his desk, "have a good rest of your day, mr.kim," jimin said, walking out.

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