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"tae-" jungkook protested as taehyung began to plant soft kisses all around his thighs.

"hm~?" he hummed.

jungkook just laid on the bed in pure bliss, enjoying what taehyung was doing to him...

until there was a knock at the door.

"ugh- for fucks sake," kook said, walking to answer the door.

"can i help yo-"

he cut himself off, remembering that he had ordered room service.

"sorry, ma'am. thank you," he said, taking the tray and slamming the door.

he set the food down and started to fill up his plate.

tae sighed, knowing the moment between them was over.

jungkook started digging in. he piled on rice, meat, and veggies to his plate, then walked over and sat on the bed.

tae just sat there, staring blankly at the wall.

"well, hurry up and get some before it gets cold," jungkook said.

"nah, i'm okay."

"what do you mean? you're still not hungry?"


"tae, you need to eat. even if you're not hungry, it's not healthy to not eat all day"

"i'm fine."

"here, just have a little," jungkook said, walking over and getting some rice for tae.

"no, really. i don't want any."

"just eat it, tae."

"i said i don't want any," tae snapped aggressively.

jungkook just stood there for a moment, a bit taken aback by tae's sudden outburst. he quickly put the food down, then walked over and sat down on the edge of the bed, next to taehyung.

he placed a hand on his thigh and rubbed it in a circular motion over the fabric.

"what's wrong, tae? why won't you eat?" jungkook asked.

"nothing's wrong, i'm just not hungry."

"taehyung, don't lie to me."

tae just sighed, laying down on the bed, facing away from jungkook.

"i-i don't know."

"yes, you do," jungkook said, laying down next to him, forcing tae to look at him.

tae just sighed, realizing he had no choice but to tell him.

"i-i just don't... feel good."


tae's eyes got all watery as he finally managed to just spit it out.

"i-i don't feel good about myself," tae said, trying to quickly blink away his tears.

"w-what do you mean?"

"i'm just so- ugly... and fat. i-i don't know how you could even want me when i look this awful."

as tae was talking, tears started to roll down his cheeks. it was embarrassing how low his self-esteem was.

"taehyung, you're not ugly. you're so beautiful," jungkook said, putting his hands on tae's face, wiping off his tears, shocked that tae could think he was even remotely unattractive.

taehyung didn't respond. he just looked down as tears continued to roll down his cheeks.

jungkook pulled tae's face tightly to his chest and wrapped his arms around him.

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