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word count, 765

"All right! Let's do this!" Tall Boy yelled getting everyone's attention and everyone started cheering.

"Not the kind of drag race I ever imagined myself going to, but at least the guys are hot." Kevin commented to his friends.

"And the girls.." Reggie said, eyeing the brunette Serpent.

"Is that.." Cheryl trailed off, following Reggie's gaze.

"Isn't that Jade Jones?" Kevin said, spotting the girl as well

"I thought she moved away with her mother."

"Don't worry Ronnie, we've got this." Archie said, trying to reassure his worried girlfriend.

"Just make it back to me, okay? Preferably in one piece, Archiekins." They then brought each other into a kiss, making Jade mentally groan as she closed the hood of the car.

"Before you get in the car, I need you to know.." Betty said and Jughead walked over to the blonde, "I never stopped loving you, Jug. I'm not sure I can. Also, remember don't ride the clutch and don't let it slip between gear shifts." She looked back to Jade as she said the next part.

"You're an enigma, Cooper." Jughead said, walking behind the girl.

"God luck, J." She said to Jade.

"Thanks, B."

"Let's do it!" Tall Boy shouted causing everyone to cheer again. "Get these cars up on the road."

Jade climbed into the driver's seat, her younger brother in the passenger seat and Archie in the back seat.

"Race over Herk Harvey Bridge to Dead Man's Curve, first one back her wins." Jade said shaking Malachi's hand before the two walked to their cars.

"Uh, I usually do the honers.." Toni said as a ginger girl, Cheryl Blossom, walked up to flag the race.

"Not today, Cha-Cha." Cheryl said walking past her, "I was born for this moment."

Cheryl took her place and the two drivers got in their cars.

"Engines warm and ready, Gentlemen, Lady." Both drivers gave her a sign to show they were ready. She put on her circle shaped sunglasses then raised her red scarf in the air. She brought it down and both drivers sped off as everyone started cheering. Malachi's red car slammed into the black car beside them, twice.

"Jade, we're coming up to the bridge."

"I know, I got this, Carrot Boy."

"It's to narrow for both of us, Jade." Archie wanted again. "Jade, we should abort."

"And let them win?" Jughead yelled.

"We will both crash on that bridge." The red head shouted.

"The serpents are joining the Ghoulies over my dead body, Archie." Jade said, speeding the car up.

"I'm sorry, but I am not down for those terms." Archie said before grabbing the gear shift and throwing the car into park.

"Why would you do that?" Jughead shouted grabbing Archie by the jacket once they had gotten out of the car.

"Trust me, you're gong to thank me for this." Archie said, before the sound of police sirens wailed through the woods.

"Jade, Jug, stop!" Archie yelled after the two Jones siblings ran toward the sound. "Jade, Jug!"

Sheriff Keller was standing there with other policemen, Malachi's red car stopped in front of them.

"Come on, we gotta go." Archie said before the three went back to the others.

"Everyone scatter! The cops are rounding up Ghoulies!" A Ghoulie yelled to everyone as the car Jade was driving pulled back into where the race began.

"Oh my god, oh my god. You're okay." Veronica said throwing her arms around Archie.

"We gotta get out of here." Archie said.

"Come on, come on. We gotta go, right now." Jughead said quickly.

"You called the cops?" Tall Boy yelled at Jade. "You won't throw in with the Ghoulies, but you will with the cops."

"Calm down, Tall Boy. You think I knew Keller was going to be there?" Jade yelled back.

"I called Keller." Archie confessed.

"What the hell, Archie? Did my dad tell you about this too?" Jade yelled, now facing Archie.

"No, this was my idea to get rid of the Ghoulies and it worked. They get arrested for street racing and now they're off the chessboard."

"For how long? One month? Three months?" Jade yelled, "You know what they're gonna want on the other side, Archie? Your head on a stake! All of ours!" Jade said as she pushed Archie with just her finger, him being taken back by the girls strength as he hit the car. "This is all you northsiders do, run with the cops. This is the southside, we do it our way." She said as she stormed off.

I Got You ☆ Archie AndrewsWhere stories live. Discover now