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word count: 622slightly edited

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word count: 622
slightly edited

"Toni? Jughead? Jade? What the hell is going on?" Veronica asked, putting her hand over the microphone.

It was Pickens Day and everyone had gathered in Pickens Park. The serpents planned to riot on Pickens Day to tell the real story of General Pickens.

"We're here representing the dead, and the silenced," Toni said into the bullhorn. "Pickens Day is a lie. General Pickens slaughtered the Uktena Tribe, my grandfather's family. And this land, the land that were standing on, the land that will soon give way to a new Southside, was stolen from them. And we can't bring them back, but we can and we must honor them."

"Hey, folks, hi. Uh, I think we can all be proud to live in a Riverdale where young people stand up for justice. Where a young woman can defend the honor and legacy of her grandfather, and where we can celebrate the living legacy of the Uktena, who contribute to the rich tapestry that is Riverdale, that is the southside and that will be SoDale. So let's hear a round of applause for that, am I right?" Everyone started cheering at Hiram's words. "That's right. What do you say, people?"

"Must've happened late last night or early this morning," Sheriff Keller said as him, Sierra Mccoy, Hiram and Hermione Lodge stood in front of General Pickens' statue in Pickens Park.

"Well, Hiram, Hermione, it's your show now," Mayor McCoy said. "How would you like this handled?"

"Swiftly, and with extreme prejudice, Hiram said. "I believe we all know who the most likely suspects are." He sighed, "I mean, you tell me.. isn't this something the serpents would do?"

General Pickens' statue head was decapitated, and all accusations landed on the Southside Serpents.

Jughead opened the door and Sheriff Keller let himself in, "Sheriff Keller, what a surprise."

"Jughead, Jade, Fp.. sorry to bother you. It's.."

"We do not have General Pickens' head and we do not know who stole it," Jughead said, leaning against the shelf.

"Same as the last four times you came by to ask us and our neighbors," Fp said.

"You know, Sheriff, these visits are starting to feel a lot like harassment," Jade said.

Jughead sighed, "There's absolutely no evidence. Zero proof whatsoever pointing to any particular group of suspects."

"Well, you did write a rather scathing article about the General's legacy, which prompted the Southside Serpents to stop by Pickens Day with an axe to grind."

"That was a peaceful protest," Jade said before Jughead started speaking.

"I'm actually writing a new article about how you seem to care more about catching a vandal than the Black Hood. Can I get a quote?" Jade and Fp both laughed.

"Usually these kinds of events, baptisms, confirmations are family only.. but, since it's all about me and you guys are my chosen family. I pulled a few strings and reserved you a pew," Veronica said to her inner circle in the student lounge.

"What is the dress code?" Kevin asked.

"Catholic chic.. so dresses for the girls, sorry jade, veils optional. And coats and ties for the boys."

"Jughead Jones and Betty Cooper, please report to the principal's office. Jughead Jones and Betty Cooper to the principal's office," Mr. Weatherbee said over the PA.

"Since your article attacking General Pickens among others have come out, it's been a steady stream of outrage. Most recently, Hiram Lodge's lawyer, a Me. Sowerberry has called saying his clients considering legal action the Blue and Gold," Mr. Weatherbee explained.

"On what grounds?" Jughead said.

"Defamation of character, Mr. Jones," Mr. Weatherbee said." Effective immediately, you are both suspended from the newspaper's staff. You have the day to clean out your personal belongings."

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