Chapter 5: Possibility and Probability

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Alessa never forgot that day at the wedding reception, something is still nagging at her about the twins. She already told her husband Nathan about the incident and he told her to just forget about it since it is impossible for them to meet again, something which she cannot will herself to follow.

Since she cannot grasp the thing that is nagging her, even after so many days, she just let herself be drowned by her chores like cleaning and cooking. She is currently cleaning the cabinet where their old family album is, when she decided to browse what was inside. It contains old photos of her children when they were still toddlers, she was smiling at the fond memories the photo brought her, when her eyes suddenly fixed on Ethan's solo picture. He was about six when the picture was taken, where he was grinning from ear to ear showing his dimple. Another image popped out of her mind, a very recent one, of a boy and a girl both having a caramel colored hair. Now, while staring at the photo, she can see the uncanny resemblance of them to Ethan, the bright blue eyes, brown hair - although the girl's hair is slightly lighter - and the way they smile, showing the dimple on their cheek which is very evident on Nate makes him the exact image of her son. She suddenly felt her heart beating eratically, this is what was nagging her days after she met them, they have the Anderson looks. Not thinking properly, she suddenly shouted for her husband.


With her shout, Nathan rushed to where she was and promptly asked in succession, eyes roaming on her.

"What is it? Did something happen? Are you hurt?"

"No, I am not hurt." Alessa said with misty eyes. Noting his wife's distress, Nathan asked again.

"Why did you shout? I thought something bad happened to you, and why are you crying?"

Instead of answering her husband's query, she handed him the picture of Ethan. Noticing Nathan's questioning and dumbfounded look, Alessa supplied the answer.

"Nathan, the twins that I told you about, they look like Ethan, especially the boy, he looks just like our son in this picture." When Nathan still looks unconvinced, Alessa took a deep breath and proceeded to rant.

"Can't you see Nathan, they maybe Ethan's, it is not impossible that they are his, they look just like him, like an Anderson does. The way the boy grin, the dimple on his cheek, his eyes, their eyes, they are all the same as Ethan's. Their name as well, the boy is named after you, though the shorter version, and the girl's name was taken after Ethan's second name, though in feminine form. It is plausible that Ethan fathered them."

Alessa saw Nathan took a deep breath before looking into her and spoke in all seriousness.

"Essa, love, it is not that I do not believe what you told me, but if you will think of the probability that something like this will happen, it is not possible. Ethan should have said something already, or he should have let us meet the girl or may have utter her name in passing, but no, nothing. So the possibility of him having a child with a woman we do not know is close to none, so let it pass, love. It is also said that there are about three more people who look like me or you in this world. It may only be a coincidence that they look like our son. Okay?"

Though Alessa is still a bit reluctant, she nodded in agreement at Nathan's deduction. He do have a point, and she doesn't have any proof to prove her assumptions.

"And love, do not talk to Ethan or hint about this, we promised him that we will not meddle in his affairs especially if it is about a woman." Nathan looked at her pointedly as if to emphasized what he just said and left without hearing her agreement into it. Yes, they did promised their eldest, especially her, that they will not meddle - again, with things that she thought was true, and a correct thing to do. At the reminder of that fateful event, she sighed and utter a silent prayer for her son to be able to acquire the happiness he so deserves after suffering too much.

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