Chapter 38: Explained and Understood

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When he was near his house, he saw that the lights are on, and Ellie's car is properly parked in the garage. Much as he wants to come inside to talk to her, he felt the nerves that he is sweating profusely. He had never been more nervous his whole life than this moment.

He is also afraid, afraid of what Ellie have decided for them, she has so many hours to think things through. If he needed to kneel and plead, he will do so, if it means she will give their relationship another chance. He just hopes that this time...maybe, just maybe, the odds will not be against them.

He decided to step out of his car after taking several deep, calming breaths, but even so, he felt his legs are shaking with too much emotions. He passed the breezeway and was he was met by a sumptuous aroma of food. He entered the kitchen and found Ellie preparing the table, she even opened a wine to complement the food. She noticed him even before he made himself known and invited him for supper. He accepted it and sat at the table without a word.

'Is this some kind of a last supper with her? Is this her way of saying goodbye? Is she going to fill my belly first before dropping the bomb?' These questions run through his mind repeatedly.

"Eat, you haven't eaten anything since breakfast." her command which he immediately complied. As much as he wanted to say something, words eluded him.

"This is actually from the family dinner, they packed some for us." she informed him which he only nods.

The food tastes great as always, but it feels as if he is eating rock and sand for how difficult it is to swallow. They ate and finished their meal without another word and they silently cleared everything and washed the dishes after - still quietly.

Not being able to take the silence anymore, he took the initiative to talk.

"Ellie..." he started, but she cut him right away.

"Ethan, let me talk first."

"Okay." he agreed and sat on one of the arm chair, while Ellie sat on the big sofa.

"I had so many hours to think everything and had come up with a decision about us. But first, let me tell you that I met Faye, your ex-wife."

"Yeah, she called to inform me about your meeting." his reply.

"She is very pretty, that is why I understand why you were seduced to bed her in the first place." she said with a chuckle.

He swallowed the lump in his throat because he doesn't know whether she said it as a joke or for him to feel guilty.

"Ellie, I-"

"Let me finish my piece Ethan, I have been planning to talk to you about everything that happened before, but I always chicken out, but since we are already here, let me tell my tale." she cut him again and he can only nod. Her face is so serious, he cannot read any emotions from them.

"We met by accident you know, Faye. I just drove after I left your parent's house and thought of just driving without a destination in mind. I was busy crying my heart out, then suddenly, there she is, the woman I saw you married. But the funny thing is, I didn't know it was her, because the truth is, I didn't saw her face fully during your wedding ceremony." she turned then and smiled at him sadly. Her confession of being there stunned him, he didn't know she was there, if he did, he may have ran away with her, but why didn't she approached him?

"Yes Ethan, I was there during your wedding. If you are thinking that I should have went to you for you to know I was there, it was because I was still hoping that what I am seeing at that time wasn't true. That the groom isn't you, that the Ethan I heard marrying that day is someone else with the same name as yours. I had mustered the courage when I confirmed that it was you, but then I saw her, the bride with the bigger tummy than mine, then I thought that what if she was really your girlfriend and I am just a passing fancy while you are in a different town." he clenched his fist tightly because of the pain he saw in her eyes while reminiscing that day. He opened his mouth to say something but she continued her story.

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