Chapter 8: Ice Cream and Coffee

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A/N: The succeeding chapters will be about Ethan and Ellie's history from eight years ago. Please do not be confuse.

Happy reading! ;)

Eight Years Ago

It was a bright Saturday morning, and Ellie decided to have a walk. School year has ended and she wants to congratulate herself with an alone time, maybe indulge herself with an ice cream or a cake. Studying is tedious especially for someone like her, she may be smart but she lacks funds for education. Her mother is working at a bakeshop run by a very sweet old woman - Mrs. Harvey, who have helped them when things went downhill. Her father run off with his mistress when she was only eight years old and since then, her mother tried her best to feed and send her to school.

She's helping her mother by having a full scholarship since high school; and now that she had finished her college with a degree, she can finally help her mother pay off their debts.

She continued her walk with a bounce in her step as she saw an ice cream stand.

"Can I have two scoops of mint chocolate chip ice cream please with sprinkles and marshmallow." She paid and thanked the staff when it was handed to her, she just love this flavor so much. She sat on a bench under a shady tree as she munch on her favorite.

"I never saw someone who ate her ice cream like a five-year old kid." The voice startled her, making her hand froze halfway to her mouth.

"Excuse me?!" She utter as her eyes landed to the man on her left. Her jaw fell as she take the man's appearance. A dark brown hair that is slightly longer for a man, a chiseled jaw and a deep blue eyes - the color of ocean on her hometown. She may have blushed if not for what he said.

'What? I ate like a kid? Do I have ice cream smudges on my face?' She thought to herself.

"Hi, I'm Ethan, and you are?" He said as he extended his hand to her.

She eyed his hand for a while, and replied as she brought her eyes back to his face. "Sorry, I don't talk to strangers." Then she stands and turn around while muttering to herself, 'He's handsome alright but obnoxious. Ha! The nerve of that man!'


The ringing of his phone brought Ethan's trance-like status after the woman left, hand still on air.

"Yes Zach?" He answered the man on the other side - his youngest brother.

"Yo Ethan, mom said to remind you that you should be here on Saturday for dad's birthday."

"Yes, tell mom I'll be there. I'll just finish my business here, then I will go right back home." He said back.

"Okay, I'll tell mom."

"Okay bro. Thanks." Then they hung up.

He tried to find the woman after the phone call but she's nowhere in sight. His mom will sure gonna beat him if she was there. His approach is kinda off, he knows, or the way he said those lines, but he was fascinated at the way the woman ate her ice cream. She ate it with gusto, like she doesn't care if it will make her fat, unlike all the other girls he knew.

'Damn!! That really came out bad.' He muttered to himself as he remembered what he said.

He already saw the woman even before she bought the ice cream. His eyes was drawn to her as she walked with light steps. A face that look so bright as she take her surroundings and a small enchanting smile plastered on her face. It made him wonder what made her so happy - it just shows on her face. So he cannot help himself to approach her, and no, she's not beautiful, she's stunning, with hazel eyes and pink lips. How he love to see her again, and when he does, he will make amends like a gentleman, the way their mother taught him and his brothers.

This Time...Maybe - Anderson Family Series Book 2Where stories live. Discover now