Chapter 18: Hurt and Betrayal

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A/N: sorry for this late upload, thank you for waiting.

Happy reading! ;)

A ray of hope came one day for Ellie, when she cleaned up her house, including Ethan's things and found a business card, where the address of their family's business was written. She decided not to come to her work the next day, good thing her boss let her, knowing her current situation.

So packed with few clothes and courage to look for him - something she got after she talked with her mother, she travelled and went to Millbrook. Upon arriving there, she went inside a little restaurant and used the restroom, for her bladder is about to explode. It is expected as what the OB-Gyne told her, she will urinate frequently as her babies grows inside her.

She ordered the cheapest she can afford and took a table. She decided to eat first before she will ask for the directions of Nathan & Sons - Ethan's family's business. She was about to stand up after finishing her food when two women entering the cafe caught her attention. They were deeply engrossed in whatever they are talking about and sat at the table beside where she is sitting. She heard the blonde one told the other one:

"I can't really believe that they are geting through it. I know I am not close with anyone of them but him marrying her?!" The statement was seconded by the other one.

She told herself not to mind them when a name got her full attention and made her heart beat erratically.

"But you know Ethan, he is an honorable man, and their family is honorable, so it is not really impossible for the wedding not to happen. She is pregnant after all, look how big and bulging her stomach is with their child..."

She didn't heard the rest of it for she willed herself to stand up and walk like nothing is amiss. She knows that there is a possibility that they are talking about another person named Ethan, but the way her heart beats and her intuition says otherwise, that the person the women are talking about and the reason why she went here is one and the same.

She went out of the place and walked aimlessly, still thinking about what she heard. Her attention was caught when a car stopped in front of a hardware store, several feet away from her and a good looking young man with a blue eyes came out of it. She stopped on her track, remembering a blue-eyed man that she is currently searching. Her musings was ceased when a young lady went out of the store wearing a bridesmaid dress and seems to be dragging her feet. The young man stood up and met her halfway, they seem to be arguing then the lady stubbornly went inside the car, and the young man, while shaking his head went into the driver side before driving off.

Like something snapped, her mind became clearer. She flagged down a taxi and instructed the driver to follow the car. They stopped in front of a church, she went out of the vehicle after paying. She mingled with everyone so as not to attract any attention. She knows its futile for she is wearing a faded jeans and shirt, that she received so many stares coming from the people. She then went inside the church and sat at the corner on the last pew, praying to the Almighty for her gut feeling not to be true. The start of a song made her head swiveled to the entrance door and what she saw made her catch her breath. There standing by the door is the man she loved, wearing a tuxedo, as handsome as ever, though his cerulean blue eyes lacks the shine she is used to, like a candle, whose light had been put out. When Ethan walks toward the front, she felt her heart slowly breaking into million pieces.

She wanted to go to him but her will weakened when she saw the bride walking down the aisle, whose stomach is bulging with pride. She pictured herself in the bride's shoes, how will she feel if someone stopped the ceremony claiming she is carrying the groom's child as well? Imagine the scandal it will make - the thought made her cringe, she doesn't want to be the reason to dishonor anyone. And if Ethan doesn't want to marry the woman, he will not agree for this to happen. If he really do love her as what he frequently said, he should be with her, with them, not standing by the altar waiting to be wed.

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