Chapter 19: Nate and Ally

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Present Day

The twins' loud voices woke her, she peeked at the clock on her bedside table and saw that it is already past eight o'clock in the morning. She slept way past her usual, maybe because of what happened last night or due to exhaustion from work. Whatever the reason is, her body feels heavy, like she run a marathon while she slept which is not a good feeling.

Her body may also be reacting to the anxiety she is feeling, that Ethan will come anytime, knocking on their front door, or worse barging not just into their house but into their lives as well - something that is not resting well with her.

Not wanting to overthink and make herself ill, she finally stood up and do some stretching to shake the sleep away, took a shower then slip a comfortable house dress. She doesn't have any appointment with a customer, so might as well not to open her shop today, she will spend her day with her kids.

She smiled when she heard their laughter as she open her bedroom door. She stood at the doorway leading to the kitchen and watch as they chat with Melissa. Their topic varies and always starts with 'Did you know...?'

Her smile vanished when the twins asked something.

"Why did we left so early last night Aunt Mel?" Ally said

"Yeah, and mom was upset." Nate seconded.

She saw Mel gazed at her secretly. Not wanting to put Mel into a battle of question and answer portion, she opted to make herself known by clearing her throat. The twins' head simultaneously snapped towards her. She saw the guilt in their eyes before it lit up, then both jumped from the chair they are in, run towards her to hug and kiss her good morning.

Mel then bid them goodbye, informing her that she needs to be somewhere. But before she left, Mel gave her a pointed look, clearly saying - though silently, that she needs to tell the twins what had transpired the night before. She just nodded and thanked her.

She turned her attention towards her kids and asked in a jolly tone.

"What did you have for breakfast?"

"Aunt Mel cooked ham and toasted bread." Nate answered.

"She made me a sandwich mama." Ally supplied.

"Okay, you want me to make something else?" She chirpped in a too happy voice, something the twins may have caught up, for they both shook their heads and stared at her - those too inquisitive cerulean eyes of them.

She calmed herself first before asking them in now her normal voice.

"You want to ask me something?"

The twins stared at each other first, communicating with each other without the use of words. Then Ally spoke after sometime.

"Mama, what happened last night? You are happy being at Uncle Lucas and Aunt Claire's place, weren't you?"

"But if you don't want to answer the question mama, it's okay. We do not want you to be upset." Nate said solemnly.

She smiled but a lone tear escape from her eyes. This is the time that she wanted to avoid, the very moment that she will tell her kids what had happened even before they were born and to explain the situation that they where in. How will they react? Will their behavior change towards her? Will they be mad at her for running away and not fighting for all of them? Too many questions, too little answer. Gathering all the courage she could muster, she guided the twins towards the chair at the dining table and seated herself in front of them. She took first a deep breath and opened her mouth to speak.

"Yes, I was happy last night, while we were at your uncle Lucas and aunt Claire's place, but then...I saw your father there."

The first few words came out like a squeek but the remaining words after that, left her mouth smoothly.

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