Chapter 17: Making Up and Settling In

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Ethan found himself gaping at Ellie after her outburst and he can see that she too, was shocked beyond words at her action. He is relieved that she finally put into words what she currently feels but is rueful for he is the reason why she is in her current condition. He expected the sudden fit and in a way, he is welcoming it, for this is the second time she is showing him what she really feels. What he didn't expect though, are the tears that flow from her eyes after the flare.

He sighed and gathered her in his arms. Cooed and comforted her like what he did at the park before. It took more minutes than the previous for her cry to subside, but he didn't mind. He wanted her in his arms, he wanted to be the one to comfort her during times like this, he wanted him be with her for everything.

So cupping her face tenderly, he sent those wants and his need for her through his next action. He kissed her gently at first, treading carefully whether she will react violently or will respond eagerly on his advances. He sighed with relief when she didn't push him but found out, neither she responded. She just let him be which made him frustrated. So he ended the kiss and looked at her caramel eyes, and there he saw confusion and hope. Hope that fueled his own.


Ellie found herself lost in his blue orbs, in it's depth she found the turmoil he is currently feeling. She saw frustration, hurt, anxiety and tenderness bordering love. Is it possible? For him to really feel something deep, something that she so wanted him to feel towards her. Before she could say what is confusing her, he said.

"I will not say sorry for what I did just now. But I am sorry for letting you feel what you felt for a week. I just want to clarify that I never regretted what I did a week before nor what I did just now. I will never regret the things I did with you and for you Ellie. I will never do. So whatever questions you have right now have one common answer, I love you. I love all that is you and everything about you. I have never felt anything like this with anyone, and I am begging you to believe me. It may look like I was never bothered with how you treated me days ago or that I completely forgotten you. But the truth is you haven't left my mind, you are constantly residing it. All I am praying this past week is for you to notice, if not the way I wanted you to, at least how the way you used to before I messed it all up."

His confession made it all up, all the hurt, pain, worry and confusion she felt for the last week, no, for the last months have vanished. All she felt now is happiness, euphoric even, that the man in front of her also feels the same towards her.

So, to send him the same message he gave her, without her saying anything - for words completely left her, she touched her lips to his, in what she can call an awkward kiss. She felt him stiffen at her bold move and felt a little scandaled at her behavior. Little by little she withdrew to put a distance between them but Ethan hurriedly secured her in place by putting his hand at her nape and crushed his lips with hers and gave her a thorough, passionate kiss, one she met with equal fervor, though how she did so, she didn't know for this is her first time kissing a man.

Their kiss felt like a lifetime but only took several minutes. When their lips parted, Ethan gave her his signature smile, one that she returned with a shy one. She did not expect herself to respond the way she did but she liked how it made her feel. She felt wanted, needed and loved.

Ethan left after they made up and promised to return as soon as he finished his business. That was three days ago, and she is waiting for him to come back as he promised, still fearing that he will break it. Her fear was quashed when the bell rang, indicating someone is at the door. She immediately went to open it and upon seeing the person outside, she flung herself towards him and hugged him with all her might which he returned equally. A chuckle was heard and she felt his shoulders shaking.

"You miss me that much darling." She knows he is teasing her by the sound of his voice, but instead of feeling shy or disprove his comment she simply answer with a yes while looking deeply into his eyes. Before she know what was happening, she found herself locking lips with him, answering his fevered kisses with equal amount that rival that of a raging volcano. She didn't noticed how, but she felt herself being lied down to a soft mattress - her bed. Things escalated quickly and as she succumb to the desire and need that is spreading in her body, like a hot magma exploding, she cried her release loudly followed by his loud cry when he ejected his seeds inside her.

Things became clear and the reality of what they had done entered her mind. Ethan may have seen the emotion on her face for he quickly enveloped her in his loving embrace while tenderly peppering her face with kisses.

"Please do not say that you regret what we've done for I don't. I can only feel happiness and exhiliration that you are finally mine, coupled by the fact that I am your first. Did I hurt you?"

She heard him say which made her a little guilty, for yes, she felt a sudden regret, that something she so protected was already gone but given willingly. But when Ethan confessed what he felt afterwards made her elated that the regret suddenly vanished. Not to make the atmosphere unstable, she looked at his cerulean eyes and answered wholeheartedly.

"Yes, I felt a little regret and it really hurts like hell, but your confession made me feel better, so I am feeling better."

Instead of saying anything as a response to her, he instead hugged and showered her love that the room filled with their moans and cries of passion until the early morning hours.


Things turned dramatically after that day. Ethan became a constant happening in her house, not just popping every now and then but really living there. So her place is already filled with his things and his design plans litters the table every now and then, something that triggers a battle, for she wants everything tidy and in order. Though they have a verbal spat, they always make sure to make up before they go to bed that always resulted in them making love until both of them cannot get up.

Their saturdays were filled with laughter and blissful moments with them hanging out at the park where they first met and it became their routine.

She already informed her mother of their current relationship as well as status in terms of living in. Her mother said she is happy for her but given her caution for their relationship is still new and can be broken easily, something that gave her a feeling of dread - which she tampered automatically, Ethan love her, she is sure of that and she feels the same towards him as well.

The fear and dread made her anxious that everytime Ethan left for work, she always think that he will not be coming back. So as for her not to worry, she immersed herself in sketching and making new designs that she diligently sends and presents to different fashion houses. Another thing that adds to her concern for everytime, she will experience rejection from them.

Her worry became real when one morning Ethan didn't came back as he promised. She tried to think that maybe Ethan got caught up with something from work, but another day passed then another until a week finally went by without a word from him, no text or call. Though apprehension really caught up with her, she still tries to cheer herself up by becoming busy with work.

Fear became evident when one morning she woke up emptying all the contents of her stomach until nothing came out and all her energy is drained. It continued for several more days with no specific time, may it be morning, noon or night time. She had an inkling as to the reasons of her heaving when she checked her calendar and saw that she is already eight weeks delayed of her monthly period. Her suspicions were confirmed when she opted to go to a clinic to be checked, yes, she is almost ten weeks along the way. She knows that having a child is a blessing but her current situation made her question if she can handle being a mother. With no word from Ethan, her and her mother's current situation plus the fact that she will be delivering twins in the near future, tripled her anxiety making her emotional that she often found herself crying at night until sleep overtook her consciousness.


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