Chapter 21: Regret and Jealousy

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It took several seconds for Ellie to move from being frozen into a frantic phase of going back and forth in front of her children.

He's here. He's here.

These words kept on repeating on her head as if in automatic play. Only when Nate and Ally called her name that she settled.


"Are we not going to let him in?" - Nate

"And I did not unbolt the door as you have instructed." - Ally

She put the bag of peas that fell on the floor onto the freezer and slowly walked towards the door, so slow as if someone is going to jump on her if she move hastily.

A knock was heard again on the door that made her heart jump.

"Coming!" She shouted but it came as croak, she doesn't even know if he was able to hear it.

A rapid, loud knock came again when she closed the door.

"Will you just wait for a little bit, I'll unbolt the door." She said, irritation clear on her voice.

All the preparation she did for herself were for naught when she opened the door and came face to face again with the only man she ever love.


Ethan slightly panicked when it took several seconds after his little girl rushed inside to announce that a big guy - meaning himself is knocking at the front door. His panic level rose up to the highest notch when the door suddenly closed, so came his rapid knocking as if something is running after him. The fear of Ellie not welcoming him into her home is too much. Does he have to beg on his knees in order for her to open up her home to him?

He expelled the breath he's been holding when the door finally open wide and he came face to face with the only woman he ever dreamed of marrying.

He cannot stop himself from staring at her, though maturity is evident on her face, it suits her, motherhood suits her. He cleared his throat to banked out his emotions.

"Why are you here?" Ellie asked him in a hushed whisper.

The incredulity of her question made his mouth hang open.

"Of course I will be here. Do you think I will not come and claim what is mine?" He answered in a whisper as well.

He saw her opened her smart mouth to rebuke what he said, but she opted to keep silent. She then opened the door wider and let him in.

He stepped on the threshold and glance upon their home. It is small compared to his house but is enough for three people. His gaze then landed to two children both looking up at him with wide eyes. He was about to say something to them when Ellie spoke.

"Kids, can you go to your room for awhile? I'll just talk to our visitor."

He saw them hesitate for several seconds, looking back and forth between him and Ellie, before they quietly left.

"What brought you here, really? What is your reason, besides the one you said a while ago?" Ellie asked him again, arms crossed in front of her chest with the blandest face he ever saw - her guards are up.

"I should have been here as soon as I've known, but Lucas and my family told me not to come here, that I should let you be for sometime because me coming here soonest might spook you that you might run." His statement made her raise her brow.

"And I want to get to know them, my children, our chil-" He didn't get to finish what he want to say for she cut it with eyes blazing like fire.

"They are not yours, nor ours, they are mine." She hissed.

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