Chapter 29: Doing and Not Doing

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Ethan had been thankful that day he forgot the tube holder, he and Ellie had been closer. She is not avoiding him as well, adding the fact that Ollie had been found, though beaten up, he'll live according to his doctor. Only minor fractures are seen but no internal bleeding noted when they did a thorough check.

Nobody knows how he came to the hospital, he was found lying unconscious just outside the building. The doctors immediately gave him medical attention. But what baffled them the most was that somebody called his parents that Ollie is in that hospital, when they checked no one from the hospital personnel contacted their parents since Ollie doesn't have any identification with him.

They tried to call the number but it was unattended, and the police told them that it was untraceable, so it was a dead end.

The family decided to kept it that way and just gave a silent prayer and thank you to whoever he is that sent Ollie to the hospital and informed the family.

Ollie woke up after a day and claimed that he cannot remember a thing and left the hospital after a week, and now he is on his way to complete recovery. The event made their mind a little peaceful especially their parents'.

His train of thought was cut by his daughter's voice.

"Papa, I need to pee."

"What?" He asked while looking at Ally, who is now crossing her thighs and looks uncomfortable.

"Damn." He cursed and was met by his daughters' reprimand.

"Don't say that Papa, that's a bad word and mama said we should not cuss."

"Sorry princess. Don't tell your mama, okay?" He said and added. "Can you still hold it in?"

"Yes, Papa. But please make it fast." Ally pleaded.

He focused on driving and immediately stopped at a gasoline station. Ellie woke up when they stopped and asked.

"What happened?" Ellie's sleepy voice turned his inside into a mush. He felt a stirring inside his body that he swallowed several times before his attention was broken by Ally's sudden cry.

"Papa, please, I am about to wet myself!"

"Coming princess!" He hollered back and forgot to answer Ellie.

He left the engine open, went out and ran towards the toilet with Ally in tow. After his daughter relieved herself, they bought some food and drinks at the convenience store.

They are travelling to his parents house for their monthly family get together. They have only travelled for half an hour when Ally needed the toilet, so they still have a long way to travel.

Nate is also awake when they came back to the car and immediately ate what they bought, while Ellie went back to sleep. She's been busy making a new dress that she sleeps little to none. He just let her and reminded their kids to keep quiet to let their mom rest.

They arrived at his parents' house and the twins immediately jumped out of the car, ran inside the house and shouted.

"Grandma! Grandpa! We're here!" Their excitement was returned equally by his mother's shriek.

"Nathan! They arrived!" He heard his mother's voice from inside the house followed by his father's bellow of laughter.

He shook his head and smiled. He can just imagine how they all look. He went out of the car and went to the back seat where Ellie is still sleeping peacefully. She didn't even stir with the noise created by the twins. He doesn't know until what time she stayed up last night, he can see dark circles around her eyes and the tired look she is sporting, but it doesn't lessen her beauty. She will always be beautiful in his eyes. Without thinking much, he caressed her cheek that made her stir. When she opened her eyes, she just stared at him.

This Time...Maybe - Anderson Family Series Book 2Where stories live. Discover now