{One} ~ Hey Sugar

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Being a new kid is tough. Being a shy new kid is even tougher. I've never been the most outgoing or enthusiastic person. I try my best to keep to myself and not bother others. I spend most of my time sitting in my room with a sketchpad in hand and music in my ears. I keep my earbuds in when I listen to music because my grandparents aren't the biggest fan of my music taste. 

I guess I'm considered a soft punk? I like the music, I dress the style, but I'm too quiet to be like an actual punk. Sure I wear leather jackets, but I also wear sweaters. It's just my style, you know?

"Y/n sweetie, you're gonna be late for school!" My grandmother called up to my room where I was currently pulling on said leather jacket.

"I'm coming!" I hollered back as I ran down the steps. Today's my first day at my new school. The anxiety is flowing through me like a flood. I know I wont exactly be able to avoid talking to anyone today, but you sure as hell bet I'm going to try.

Maybe if I'm lucky enough I'll meet someone as quiet as me who understands my struggle and will help me out. I doubt it'll happen, but it would be nice. I know that it'll be hard making friends, me being the way I am. But I don't really need them anyway, I never really had them at my old school. 

I had to move because my grandparents didn't think the neighborhood we were living in was safe enough for me. They had thought that the kids at my school were too aggressive and scary, but that's gonna be the case no matter where you are in Jersey. 

"Are you driving to school? Do you need the keys?" My grandmother asked me as she sipped from her mug. 

"No, I think I'll just walk. It's not too far from here." I told her, grabbing myself a to-go mug for some coffee.

"Are you sure? I don't know how safe that is." She seemed skeptic. My grandpa was sitting at the kitchen table reading his news paper.

"I'll be fine grandma, don't worry. I'll have my phone on me." I reassured her. She still looked hesitant but knew she couldn't argue about this forever.

"Oh alright. Just be careful darling." She gave in, taking a seat next to her husband, "Have a good first day of school y/n."

"Thank you! I'll see you when I get home." I walked out of the door and onto the sidewalk. It wasn't too chilly even though it was January. The sun struggled to shine through the clouded skies, but still managed to warm the air up the slightest bit. 

There weren't too many people on the streets yet. A few people were walking a head of me, a group of guys dressed in black leather. I made a mental note to stay as far away from them as possible.

Once I had made it to school I began to feel overwhelmed. There were so many people here. If I hadn't taken my meds earlier, I might have had a panic attack. Keeping my head down, I made my way to my locker. Number two forty-three. 

I struggled with the combination a couple of times before I got it open. Great, I got a busted locker. My face burned the longer I struggled with it. I felt relief when the metal door finally opened up to an empty capsule. I shoved the books I wouldn't need for the first few classes in my locker and shut it, going to homeroom.

The kids in my homeroom were all over the place. Some chatting in the corner, some sitting on desks, all being loud as hell. There seemed to be an empty desk in the back so I decided to claim that one. Oh how embarrassing it would be if this was someone's desk. 

Shortly after the morning announcements, the first bell rang signalling first period. The kids all rushed out of the classroom to get to class. I decided to be the last one out to avoid getting trampled. 

On my walk to my first class, I felt a hand touch my back and push me to the ground, "Ha! The new girls a klutz!" A girl with a strong jersey shore accent laughed. A few others around me laughed as well and walked past me. Taking a deep breath, I collected my things and continued to class. So this is how this school is, huh?


After first period was done with I felt anxious yet again. I really didn't want to go back out into the hallway. As I walked to class I realized that I had forgot my Chemistry binder in my locker. Shit! Looks like I'm gonna have to go back to my locker to grab it. 

The hallways were fairly empty as I made it to my locker. Almost no one was in sight which was strange seeing that class isn't even close to starting. I figured the kids here would be the ones who didn't give a shit about being late.

Of course I struggled with my locker combination. This time I was having a lot more trouble than earlier. I huffed after my third failed attempt and tried again. 

"What are you doing?" a male voice spoke beside me causing me to jump and gasp. He had his hands planted on both sides of me, trapping me against the lockers. The man had dark, jet black messy hair and bright hazel eyes. His skin was as pale as snow and was torn up around his face.

"I-I can't g-get my locker t-to open." I stuttered feeling my heart beat increase in speed. He looked from me to my locker, 

"This one?" He pointed to the locker with my things in it. I nervously nodded my head. The man clenched his hand into a fist and pounded it against the metal, creating a loud bang. I winced from the sound and flinched as well. The locker flung open and crashed against the one beside it. "Scared of a little noise?"

"I-I uh, I j-just."

"I'm guessing you're new here?" He asked with a cocked eyebrow. Not trusting my voice, I simply nodded. "And quiet?" I nodded once again. The man wore a mischievous smirk that didn't help my growing anxiety attack. "Allow for me to fill you in sugar, you know, to avoid this from happening again." He began, "Me and my guys, we kinda run this place. No one fucks with us, and no one interferes with us. No one goes in these halls during second period because that's when we are here. But if someone does, they get hurt. Bad."

I stared up at him with fearful eyes, hoping that he wasn't going to hurt me, "But sometimes we make exceptions. Like when that person is a really pretty lady." He ran his hand down the sleeve of my jacket and looked at me with a flirtatious smile. 

"I-I need to get... g-get t-to class." I ducked under his arm and reached into my locker for by binder. The man grabbed a hold of my hand and pulled me back, 

"Sugar, I don't think you know what you're being offered here." He tried again. I refused to say anything back. Instead I pulled my hand out of his grip and ran back to class. I had made it just before the late bell rang. Jesus Christ the people at this school are scary.

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