{Twenty Five} ~ Turning Saints Into The Sea

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"Gerard I'm bored." Frank whined as he dangled off the bleachers. Over the past month I've been here, I've realized how much time we spend out here. Probably over half the day.

"And that's my problem because?" Gerard asked, taking his cigarette out of his mouth.

"Because you always come up with good ideas, and I'm bored. So cure my boredom." The short stack demanded. Gerard sighed and rested his head on my shoulder as he began the thought process. I reached my arm around his neck and played his with hair as he sat quietly.

"Mmm, I like this idea." Gerard purred, enjoying the feeling of my fingers in his hair.

"But that's not helping me." Frank pouted. Ray reached over and started messing with Frank's hair to stop his whining. Frank glared over at Princess Fro Fro and swatted his hands away from his hair.

"What's today?" Gerard asked, not specifically to anyone.

"Thursday." I answered him.

"So no bar." He crossed the activity off his mental list.

"Mess with Rem and his brothers?" Mikey suggested.

"I don't like how Sebastian looks at y/n. They make her feel uncomfortable as well so that's also a no." Gee shook his head.

"Go for a ride?" Ray asked,

"Can't. Bikes in the shop." Frank frowned.

"Then what the fuck are we gonna do?" Gerard groaned, dangling his head behind him.

"I don't know, that's your job to think of something." I shrugged. Gerard glared at me,

"Pizza and Ray's basement?" Frank suggested.

"Ray's basement is fucking sick." Gerard told me.

"I'm down." I shrugged.

"Ditto." Mikey pocketed his phone.

"It's settled."

"Does Ray get an input?" Ray asked in the third person.

"Nope." Gerard popped the 'p'. "Let's go Sugar." He grabbed onto my hand and pulled me up with him.

"Gerard?" I asked, swinging our hands back and forth as we walked to his car.

"Yes Darling?" Gerard looked down at me sweetly.

"What are we gonna do after graduation? It's less than four months away. We'll be out of high school and well... off to college." My voice was saddened at the thought of possibly moving away for college. I figured Gerard had thought about it too by the shift in vibe from him.

"I don't know yet. Hell, I say we run away." Gerard chuckled.

"Let's run away to Neverland." I played along.

"End of the school year, we're running away to Neverland. It's settled."

"Promise?" I asked. Gerard smiled as he extended his pinkie for me to lock mine with his.

"Promise." He smiled at me as we reached his car. My phone buzzed in my pocket-a rare occurrence-so I pulled it out and checked the message.

Can you come home Sweetie? You
need to see something.

"Hey, Gee? Can you take me to my place first? My Nana just texted me." I told him, showing him y screen. Gerard looked at it for a second with a concerned face.

"Do you think everything is alright?" He asked, opening his car door.

"I don't know. Can you get there quick?"

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