{Four} ~ Sugar

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After the incident at lunch, Gerard took me outside to the bleachers and cleaned up my cuts and bruises from Becca. He introduced me to his friends Ray, Mikey and Frank who I met earlier. Mikey seemed a bit more quiet than the others. Maybe I'll try to talk to him a bit more. 

Oh what will my grandparents say? If they see me all cut up they'll get super worried. They may not let me come back here. Well, would that really be such a bad thing?

"Whatcha thinkin' bout Sugar?" Gerard nudged me, snapping me out of my trance. 

"Nothing." I replied quietly. Gerard looked at me with a raised brow.

"You've gotta be thinkin' bout something. You can't hide everything from me forever if you're gonna start hangin' out with us ya know?" 

"I just... m-my grandparents are really concerned a-about my safety. They'll freak if they see me like this. I-I don't want them to have a stroke or something." I explained to him. Gerard nodded silently before an idea came to his mind.

"How about this Sugar? I'll drive you home and tell them that you had just fallen on your way to school or somethin' like that." Gerard tried. I gave him an uneasy look, "What's that look for?"

"N-Not to offend you, b-but they wouldn't really be okay w-with me hanging out with... well.."

"A punk?" Frank asked, raising an eyebrow. I shyly nodded, hoping I didn't make them mad.

"We don't get offended by that stuff n/n. We take pride in it." Frank popped the collar of his jacket and fixed his hair. I giggled softly at his cliche movements. 

"So what are ya gonna do Sugar?" Gerard asked. I shrugged, honestly not knowing the answer myself. I'm sure I'll come up with something by then.

"Hey Gerard?" I looked up at Gerard, nervous to ask my question.

"Yeah?" He replied, making eye contact. As soon as he did I broke away from his eyes, feeling intimidated. 

"W-Why do you call me Sugar?" 

Gerard chuckled and lifted my chin with his pointer finger to look him in the eyes. My cheeks were flooded with a rush of blood making them burn bright red. "Because you're sweet like sugar." I wanted to look down but Gerard refused to let my chin drop. If I didn't know any better I thought he would've tried to kiss me.

The bell ending lunch rang from the speakers set up outside the school. My savior from this awkward moment. Gerard slowly let go of my face and stood up, offering me his hand. "What class next...Sugar?" He added the nickname just to make me blush.

"English. Why?" I hesitantly rested my hand in his, allowing him to pull me up off the bleacher. 

"Because I'm gonna walk you." Gerard wrapped an arm around my shoulder to pull me closer to him. I looked at him confused. "People won't know you're with me if we don't show them."

"W-With you?" I questioned. Rather than giving me a verbal response, Gerard simply winked at me, causing a queasy feeling to run through my stomach. I continued to keep my head down as we walked closer to the school. Not only to avoid eye contact with the people in the halls, but also to avoid Gerard's occasional smirk down at me. 

I was still all too confused as to why he was doing this. He had only just met me, but he wants to protect me from other bullies? What kind of fanfic bullshit is this? He's the "king bully" at this school, and said himself that he shows mercy to no one, so what makes me different?

"You gotta at least act like you want to be around me if you want this to be believable." Gerard mumbled down into my ear. I looked up at him momentarily before feeling a blush arise to my cheeks. I'm not going to lie, Gerard is very attractive, but he is also very scary...

"O-Okay." I whispered back, too nervous to be heard by anyone else. I lifted my head up slightly and tried my hardest not to be as tense. A few gazes caught mine as we walked. Many looked at us shocked, most tried to avoid eye contact with Gerard, which was fairly easy seeing that he was continuously looking down at me. 

We got to my English class and Gerard stopped walking when I tugged on his jacket. "This is?" He asked, I nodded. "Let me see your schedule." He held out his hand. Reaching into my pocket, I pulled out the folded up piece of paper and handed it to the man in front of me. Gerard's eyes skimmed over the paper, then seemed slightly disappointed. "We don't have any other classes together, but next class you've got Frank and Mikey. After that you've got study hall, then one more class. I'll skip my seventh class and meet you at your locker, okay?" 

"Why do you want to skip?" I asked, scooting away from the entrance so other kids could get to class. Gerard chuckled.

"You ask a lot of questions." He twiddled a section of my hair between his fingers. "Just meet me at your locker at the start of seventh, okay? They don't care if you go to study hall or not. You won't get in trouble, I promise. And if you do, I'll take care of it." 

"Alright." I replied, turning to get to class. Gerard grabbed onto my wrist and pulled me back.

"One more thing." He said, gently resting a hand on my hip. If he's gonna do what I think he's gonna do...

Gerard leaned in slightly as if he was going to kiss me. Panic filled my body, causing me to have a border line panic attack. Last second he moved his head and placed his lips on my cheek. The panic died down slightly since he didn't actually "kiss me" kiss me, but I was still shaking on the inside. "See you after class, Sugar." Gerard winked at me and walked away presumably to his next class. 

I stood there shocked for a minute before walking into my English class. What a fucking day, and it's only fifth period...

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