{Twenty Nine} ~ Neverland

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They finally let me out of the hospital. The doctor wants me to see a therapist but after having bad experiences in the past with therapists, I strongly declined the suggestion.

I'm not the strongest right now. Gerard refuses to leave my side and probably won't ever. But it's okay, I missed having Gee next to me. I missed it so bad that that's what's happening now...

Currently I'm laying in Gerard's bed next to him as he cuddles me and plays with my hair. He told me that he wanted to take me out anywhere of my choosing but I told him that I just don't have the energy. So instead we agreed upon just laying here and relaxing the whole day, which is something I'm very okay with.

"I'm missing a lot of school right now...shit." I realized as my eyes fell upon Gerard and I's book bags laying across his floor. I must've left it in his car the day of the fight so he brought it in. Huh.

"I'm missing the same amount Sugar." Gerard told me. I chuckled,

"I was in the hospital for like, over a week."

Gerard nodded his head, "Yeah, and I was there too."

"You stayed with me the whole time? Gerard you shouldn't have done that." I looked up at him, a little mad that he skipped school to watch me be unconscious.

Gerard laughed, "Like hell I was gonna leave you there without one of us. How awful would it have been if you woke up with no one there? You'd be so confused and lonely and scared. I know that I'd feel the same way if I woke up in an empty hospital room."

"Aw, Gee." I sighed while cuddling in closer to him. Gerard wrapped his arms around me to hold me tighter, something I greatly appreciated.

The room was almost silent, our breathing and heartbeats being the only sound occupying the area. When Gerard chuckled it sent vibrations into my head making it tingle slightly, "Hey Sugar?"

I looked up at my raven-haired boyfriend, "Yes baby?"

"Remember when I promised we'd run away to Neverland at the end of the school year?" He asked, a slight smile making itself present on his pale face.

"Yeah? What about it?" I questioned.

"Let's run away now."

Confusion ran through me as I scrunched my eyebrows. He does know that Neverland isn't a real place, right? "What do you mean?"

"You and me. We can pack up my car and leave this shitty town. Start a new life, gets jobs, have a tiny house together, be happy. I have a buddy who owns a place in Maryland. I've talked to him about us going there a time or two, he's always seemed cool with it." Gerard explained to me.

"Gerard, we aren't even eighteen yet. How are we supposed to do this? What about your parents, and my grandparents? What about Mikey?" There had to be a million complications to this, yet he made it seem so simple.

"I'll tell Mikey where we're going. I won't tell my parents, and you won't tell yours. We'll just get up and leave and never turn back. We have a place to live y/n, we just need to find jobs when we get down there. We can make it work Sugar, I know we can." Gerard seemed really hopeful when it came to the plan. I can tell that he's been thinking about this for a while.

Running away doesn't sound like all that bad of an idea. My grandparents probably wouldn't even be upset that I'm gone. It's not like I'm leaving Tyler behind, the only other friends I have that I'd be leaving behind are the guys. Sure I'm not all that close with them, but they are still technically my friends, and Gerard's best friends. Maybe this isn't that far of a stretch.

Bad Boys ~ Gerard Way x ReaderOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara