{Fourteen} ~ When The Shy Kid Yells

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The day progressed as the past ones have. Gerard met up with me after every class change, walked me to all my classes, and had me meet up with him at my locker during seventh. Though the whole day, he refused to ask me out. Once again, not a damn clue as to why I wanted him to so bad. I'm literally fucking terrified of him. I must be getting my monthly soon...

I sat outside with the guys after school as they chatted about their plans. While they talked, I had my nose in my phone texting Tyler. It was rare that we went a day without texting or calling each other.

Whatcha up to n/n?

Just sitting outside with the bois™

I see you're back to using the Trade-
mark emoji?

Only when necessary.

Is it ever?


Well alright then.

I miss youuuu

I miss you mooooore

Ew we sound cliche

You mean...


Scuse me...

Could you please leave?

Don't be coming for my brand

I won't as long as you stay away
from mine

"Who you textin'?" Gerard asked, peering over my shoulder. I closed my phone and looked up at him innocently.

"No one, why do you ask?"

"Because you're smiling at your phone like an idiot." Frank spoke up. Ray elbowed him making him give a little, "What?"

"Who ya texting that's got you smilin' like that?" Gerard asked once again, this time sounding a bit more on edge.

"Is Gerard...jealous?" Ray cocked his head.

Gerard straightened his posture and puffed his chest slightly, "No, Gerard isn't jealous. Gerard just wants to know who's texting my y/n."

"Your y/n?" I asked, raising a brow at him. Last time I checked, I didn't belong to anyone but myself.

"Yes, my y/n." Gerard clarified.

"How can she be yours if you haven't even asked her out yet?" Mikey called Gerard out like a total savage, not even looking up from his novel.

"You know what?" Gerard pouted,

"What? What do I know?" Mikey responded to Gerard's obvious rhetorical question. Gerard glared at his brother and huffed.

"You guys aren't fun." He continued to pout. "But seriously who are you texting?" Gerard got serious once again.

"Calm down, just an old friend." I brushed the topic aside, but Gerard didn't seem to be happy with my answer.

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