{Twenty Four} ~ Meet The Grandparents

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During the drive to Neo's, it was clear to see Gerard was nervous. His leg wouldn't stop shaking no matter how hard I tried to keep it down. "Babe, everything will be okay."

"How do you know that?" Gerard asked, looking at me momentarily, "You said that they hate people like me."

"I never said that Gee. I said they don't want me hanging around people like you." I corrected him.

"Because people like me beat you up where you used to live. Sugar they're gonna think I'm the same as those guys." He began to sound defeated, but I refused to let him give up before we even get there.

"Gerard, listen to me. Tonight you are going to be polite, charming, and respectful. If you act like that, they won't be able to find a reason to not like you. You just have to be on your best behavior. No losing your temper, no getting hot headed. I'll be sat right next to you to keep you grounded if you start acting up. Everything will go fine." I tried to explain to him. Gerard pulled into a parking spot and sighed.

"What do they know about me?" He sighed, turning to face me.

"Absolutely nothing besides your name and that you're in a few of my classes." 

Gerard held my hand and squeezed it tight, "Do they know we're..."

"Boyfriend, girlfriend? Yes." I squeezed his hand in return. Gerard let out a breath and nodded his head,

"Okay. Are they here?" He asked, I nodded. I reached for my door but Gerard stopped me. I raised a brow as I watched him get out of the car and come to my side. Gerard opened my door and held out his hand for me, "You said I need to be charming and polite? I can give you just that." He smirked. 

I gave him my hand and let him pull me up, "Good boy." I gave him a quick kiss before taking his hand in mine. 

"So I'm a dog now?" 

"Bark bark bitch." I bit at him. Gerard winked at me, taking it a different way than I intended, "None of that tonight."

"Aww, but I love making you uncomfortable with my sex jokes." He pouted,

"On second thought," I turned around to go back to the car, only for Gerard to pull me back.

"I'm kidding I'm kidding Sugar. I promise I'll stop." Gerard chuckled, "For tonight."

We walked in and told the hostess we were meeting someone and that they already have our table. Gerard's hand sweat slightly as they came into sight. "It's Mr. Doug and Mrs. Lynn." I reminded him.

"Doug and Lynn, got it."

"Mr and Mrs." I added. Gerard nodded. 

We stopped in front of the table as my grandparents got up to greet us, "Y/n sweetie, you look beautiful." My grandma hugged me.

"Nice to see you too Nana." I hugged her back.

"I'm Gerard. It's nice to meet you." Gerard shook my grandpa's hand.

"As to you Gerard." He accepted his hand. Gerard then turned to my grandma and shook her hand, 

"Gerard." He smiled.

"Lynn." My grandmother smiled back, "It's very nice to meet you Dear. Come, sit." She motioned for us to sit down with them. I sat across from Lynn and Gerard across from Doug. Gerard was quick to grasp my hand into his under the table once we were seated.

"So Gerard, tell me about yourself." Doug started. Gerard seemed to get nervous once again, but quickly remembered what we had discussed on the car ride here. 

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