{Two} ~ Second Times the Charm

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The bell for third period rang, sending me and twenty other kids to our next class. I have art next which I'm mildy excited for. I'd say I'm pretty good at art, seeing that all I ever do is draw when I'm at home. At my old school, I almost always had something hanging up in the display case whether it was a painting or a simple drawing.

I couldn't stop thinking about my interaction with that guy though. It had me almost to the point of non stop shaking all class. I couldn't wash the image of him out of my mind. I made a mental note to never go anywhere near the hall during second ever again.

As I walked into art I noticed the class was almost full. My eyes wandered around the classroom and landed on quite possibly the last person I wanted to see. The guy from earlier was sitting with two other girls and talking to them when he turned around and made eye contact with me. He got up and began walking over to me, but turned and sat in his assigned seat instead. I could feel my heart racing as I walked over to the teacher.

"Ah, you must be y/n, yes?" He asked me. I nodded my head, "Why don't you go over there and have a seat next to Gerard." He pointed over to the man that had cornered me earlier. I looked at him fearfully. You've got to be kidding me? I have to sit next to him? Oh god could today get any worse?

Reluctantly I walked over to the only other empty seat in this whole class. Gerard kept his eyes glued to me as the same smirk from earlier was plastered across his face. My shaking hand reached out for my chair, only for Gerard to grab it instead and pull it out for me. Confused, I sat down and scooted in. "Thanks." I muttered almost inaudibly quiet to him.

"Hmm?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

"T-Thanks." I spoke up a little louder. Gerard chuckled and kicked his feet up onto the desk.

"No need to be so timid sugar. I won't bite, unless you want me to." He winked at me. My cheeks burned bright red and I tried my hardest to melt away into my seat, "Oh I'm just kidding sugar, ease up."

I still remained silent and tried my hardest not to talk to him. He looked really scary, and with what he said to me earlier he's exactly what I need to avoid at this school. I don't want to get into trouble, I don't want to get hurt. I just want to get through everyday unnoticed.

"Okay look, maybe we got off on the wrong foot. Let me introduce myself. I'm Gerard." Gerard extended his hand towards me, causing me to look back at him. He was giving me an almost normal smile. I was hesitant to shake his hand at first, but he seemed to be getting impatient and I really didn't want to make him mad. I gave him my hand and took it back as soon as he shook it. "You gonna tell me yours?"

"Y-Y/n." I mumbled.

"Speak up a bit Sugar." He said, leaning closer to hear me.

"I-It's y/n." I raised my voice a bit so he could hear me.

"Y/n. Cute." He repeated my name with the nod of a head. I blushed at him calling me cute and turned to look at the board. "Come on, I'm trying to be nice here. You should be thankful for that."

"Why?" I asked.

Gerard sighed, "I told you, me and my buddies are the big guys here. We aren't very forgiving. I'm trying to give you a chance here."

I looked at him confused. A chance? What does he mean by that? "You're still not getting it huh?" He asked. I shook my head, scared since he seemed to be getting impatient again, "Look, a small, shy girl like you isn't gonna make it a day here. I already saw you get picked on by Becca today. Now, Becca is nothing compared to me, but she's still a mean bitch. You seem sweet, and I just might feel bad if I see you get hurt." Gerard started, "You could avoid all of the bullying, all of the name calling and beatings from whores like her. I can stop all of that form happening."


Gerard slung an arm around my chair and rested it right behind my back. I tensed up at the close contact between the two of us, "You hang out with me, come around every now and then. Let me protect you from all the mean scary people at this school. All you've gotta do is as simple as tolerate me."

I continued to look at him with utter confusion, "B-But why?" I asked. There's a catch, there's always a catch.

"What do you mean 'why'?" Now Gerard looked confused.

"W-Why do you want t-to protect m-me?"

Gerard smirked and gently finger combed my hair sending shivers down my spine, "Because it would be a shame to see your pretty little face all scratched up." The look he gave me earlier returned increasing my anxiety. I really don't want to be around him. People like Gerard scare me. People like Gerard hurt other people for no reason at all. People like Gerard are the reason why I'm the way I am.

But he does make a good point. I have no way to protect myself here. Hell, I'm too shy to even talk to someone at a normal speaking volume. Can Gerard really protect me from all the other scary people? Is he really that high up at this school? But that just means that he really is the worst of the punks here.

"So what do you say Sugar? You wanna hang out with me and my friends?" Gerard snapped me out of my internal debate. I continued to look up at him. His bright hazel eyes looked down into my e/c ones with confidence. How can someone be so confident and so tough? Something I'll never be able to do.

"I-I don't know." I looked away from him, afraid of his reaction. Gerard sighed and moved his arm away from me.

"How about this doll? You go the rest of today without me and make up your mind. If you think you can handle everyone else at this school on your own, then I won't keep you under my wing. But that makes you open for anyone here to get ya. Any of my guys will be allowed at you, any of Becca's whores will be allowed at you, even I will be allowed at you. So if at the end of today, you think you can handle yourself, then by all means leave me in the dust. But I'll see you tomorrow with the offer still on the table." Gerard leaned back in his chair and seemed to completely drop the conversation, just like that.

I couldn't tell if he was blackmailing me or not. I think he was, but it was so subtle that it may have just been him telling the truth. Are people at this school really that vicious? Stuff like this never happened at my old school. I mean yeah, I got bullied, but no one ever talked to me the way Gerard did.

Bad Boys ~ Gerard Way x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz