{Seventeen} ~ Oh

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Gerard didn't say anything for a few minutes as we walked outside. We didn't go straight to the bleachers, we just walked around the school grounds. He didn't put his arm around me, or have any physical contact with me. I could feel him occasionally glance up at me but besides that there was nothing.

He took a deep breath, gathering the last of his thoughts before speaking, "Okay, if I talk are you going to listen?" I nodded my head, but he didn't like that, "And you're not going to be all quiet, okay? You're actually going to use your words and talk to me. Cause when you do this silent shit it makes me feel bad."

I looked up at him to see him looking borderline defeated, "Okay." I added words to my nod.

"Good. Now come on, let's sit." We circled back to the bleachers where we sit every lunch and after school. Gerard sat on the third highest bench while I occupied the second. "So you know that Becca and I were together, and for a long time. You know that I really did like her. But she didn't like me in the way I liked her. Yeah, she was hot and all, but I actually did like her."

I sat and occasionally nodded as Gerard continued to tell his story, "Yes, we had sex. I wanted to do it with her as much as she wanted to do it with me, but sex was the only thing Becca ever really wanted from me. Well, sex and popularity. Which is why she cheated on me. Becca's a fucking nymphomaniac."

My eyes went wide when I heard the tone in his voice. He sounded almost heartbroken..."So yeah, we had sex... a lot. And we didn't really care where or when we did it. We just did. She would throw a fit if I didn't fuck her, so I just went with it. When we got caught as Frank was saying, Becca flipped out on me even though it was more her fault then mine. I'm pretty sure that's when she started seeing Aiden behind my back." Gerard's jaw clenched as he spat his name. He glared into the distance as he shook his head tightly. I rested my hand on his clenched fist to bring him back. His head snapped over to me at the contact, but his expression immediately softened.

"After the whole Aiden thing happened, I dumped her. This was a little over a year ago. Back then I wasn't as reserved as I am now. I wasn't as hardhearted. But when she did that to me, I began to build up my walls and not trust anyone. The only way I found myself able to relieve myself of anger was to hurt other people, so then I began doing that on a usual basis."

So Becca made him the way he is? What a fucking whore, I wonder what Gerard would be like if that never happened? "Oh." I replied.

"Oh? That's all you've gotta say?"

"I-I just.. don't know what to say." I told him. Gerard cocked an eyebrow,

"Well, are you mad at me or not?" He asked. Now it was my turn to be confused,

"Why would I be mad at you?"

"Well you seemed pissed after Frank told you." Gerard crossed his arms. Dear God quit being sassy Gerard. You're killing me.

"I wasn't pissed. Just a little disturbed." I admitted. Gerard threw his head back and groaned,

"I fucking thought you were mad at me." He ran his hands through his raven locks. Why would I be mad? It's not like we were, or are together.

"Why would you think that?"

"I don't know! You just seemed mad!"

"I've no reason to be." I don't see why he's getting so frustrated, "And calm down Gee."

"I'm sorry." He sighed into his hands, "I've been getting worked up cause I hate when you're mad at me. Cause you don't act rude to me when you're mad like Becca did, you just get even quieter and seem sad and it fucking kills me."

"Well I'm not mad, so stop dying." I hesitantly cracked a joke. Gerard groaned and playfully shook his head,

"Wish it was that easy Sugar." A half smile grew on his face. "Alright, since I just told you a piece of my life, you've gotta tell me a piece of yours."

"Pardon?" I asked, taken aback by the request.

"You heard me sugar. I wanna know about you since I know practically nothing." Gerard encouraged me to talk about myself. Internally groaning, I tried to think of one of the less depressing aspects of my life.

"Do I have to?"


"Alright, alright." I sighed, "What do you want to know?"

Gerard thought for a moment. I know that he was debating between a couple subjects seeing how conflicted he looked, "Is it alright if you tell me about Tyler?" He asked. I shot him a look saying, 'not again'. "Alrighty then...... parents?" Gerard said the word very cautiously. I sighed, understanding that he probably has a lot of questions about it.

"Okay." I took a deep breath. Gerard seemed shocked that I was willing to talk about it, "To sum up my existence, I'm an accident due to a bad decision in Vegas." I could see Gerard holding back every urge to laugh. I couldn't blame him, it is kinda funny. "My dad didn't want any part of me, so he left before I was even the size of a watermelon. My mom was a heavy drug addict, crack mainly. When I was in seventh grade, a few months before I met Tyler actually, my neighbor called CPS on my mother and got her put and jail. I had to stay with CPS until the end of the school year when my grandparents accepted me, and the money that came with me... Anyways, they shipped me off to summer camp so they could accommodate me living with them, and that's how I met Tyler who has practically been my life line." I explained all in one go.

Gerard seemed overwhelmed with all the new information about the shit show that is my life. I think he was a little surprised that I mentioned a bit of Tyler, but I can't talk about my life without mentioning him. He literally is my life.

"I'm so sorry y/n." Gerard looked at me sincerely.

I shook my head, "Nothing for you to be sorry for."

Gerard patted the spot on the bench next to him, signifying he wanted me next to him. Complying, I got up and moved up a step to sit next to Gerard. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and rubbed them ever so gently. I felt myself lean into his body, taking in his warmth. The heat he gave off was a nice contrast to the cold winter breeze that January offered. I hadn't worm his jacket today, so I was a bit chillier. Gerard noticed the small bumps on my legs shown through the rips in my jeans. Carefully, he lifted my legs and let them hang over his. The position it put us in allowed for me to be a bit closer to him.

It was a really comfortable setting. It was too cold for any gym classes to be outside so it was nice an quiet.

Using his freehand, Gerard dug into his pocket and pulled out a white box that I already knew what it's contents were. He flipped it open and pulled out a thin white tobacco stick and set it between his lips. "Does it bother you if I smoke around you?" Gerard asked, hesitating to light the cigarette.

I shook my head, "Nope."

"You aren't just saying that?"

"Nope." I repeated honestly.

"Alright." Gerard struck his lighter and held the flame to the end of the cig. As soon as he pocketed the lighter, he removed the cigarette to allow the smoke from his first drag to escape his lips. As he let out a deep exhale, I let my head fall onto his chest. It was satisfying feeling his chest rise and fall as he breathed.

It's rare that we have a moment like this without Frank or someone interrupting us. There was a gut feeling brewing that there would be an interference, but I tried to pray it away. I was enjoying this way more than I should.

"Comfortable Sugar?" Gerard chuckled as he looked down at me.


"You're wrapped around me like a koala. Not that I mind." Gerard shrugged. I had just noticed that my arms were wrapped around Gerard under his jacket. "And don't you dare move because I called you out."

It's like he read my mind because that's exactly what I planned on doing. "Why?"

Gerard chuckled, "Because I'm enjoying this too."

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