{Seven} ~ Messages

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Before the bell rang signalling the end of seventh, Gerard slipped a piece of paper into my jacket pocket that had his number on it. A part of me debated just throwing it out, but I may need it one day.

Currently I'm sitting at home with my sketchbook in my lap. Gerard tried walking me home but I told him that I'd be fine. Before we left, Mikey gave me his number as well. I willingly put his number in my phone, seeing he seems the most like me out of all the gang. He was quieter, less aggressive. Ray didn't seem too bad, but he was scary looking too. He looks like he could pull a knife out of his fro at any given moment.

I debated for about an hour if I should send Mikey a text. Maybe he was just trying to be nice and didn't actually want me to text him. Eventually I decided on just a 'Hey it's y/n' text and see where he takes it from there. A couple of minutes later Mikey did test back,

Hey y/n, what's up?

Nothing really. Just figured I'd send
you a text so you had my number.

Alright. Sorry for Frank being,
well, being Frank.

It's no worries. Thanks for not being
like Frank, haha.

Haha no problem. If you ever
need someone more on the 'normal'side to talk to, just let me know. I knowhow it feels to be the shy kid.

What do you mean?

Before I started hanging with
Gerard and all them, I was a really shy
kid. Like you, I didn't like to talk to
other people. I kept to myself. Gee got
me out of my shell, but I'm still not as
'bold' as they are.

Maybe there is hope for me haha. Good to know that someone I'm being forced to hangout with gets me.

Now I wouldn't say forced...

You're right, but you get what I mean.

A few seconds later instead of getting a text from Mikey, I got one from an unknown number,


Texting my brother but not me Sugar? Ouch.


The 1 and only.

How did you get my number?


I see.

U doing anything?

Not particularly, why?

Why don't you swing by or something?


So we can hang out?

You wanna hang out with me outside of school?

Yeah? Why wouldn't I?

I didn't think I was the kinda
girl you hung out with after school.

Now what's that supposed to mean?

Nothing, nothing.

So, is that a yes?

I wanted to say no, but I didn't want to be rude. Maybe I could make something up? Then I'd still feel bad. But if I'm almost positive that outside of school Gerard doesn't just sit around. He probably goes out and causes trouble, and I don't want to be involved in that.

I can't. Family stuff tonight.

Damn, well I'll see you tomorrow then.

Sugar ;)

No one ever really texted me except for an old friend of mine. He lives in Ohio, but we met at a summer camp in Ohio in before our eighth grade year. Though I don't have any siblings, hes been the closest thing to one I've had my entire life, even though we've only known each other for five years.

It sucks that he lives so far away from me. We see each other every summer, sometimes he'll come up here for spring break. But other than that we only ever see each other at weddings and funerals if you get what I'm saying.

I stayed up that night, waiting for his daily text. My phone rather than ringing once for a text message, it was a call. Eagerly, I accepted it.

"Hey, hey Tyjo."

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