{Five} ~ Oh Boy, People.

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As I sat in English, I tried my hardest to avoid stares from fellow classmates. They must've all seen Gerard and I together in the hall. I mean hell, who doesn't look at Gerard when he walks by? 

Halfway through the class when we were supposed to be doing a silent activity, a girl with black hair scooted next to me and nudged my arm. "Hey, you're the new girl right? I'm Sage." She held out her hand. She seemed nice enough, so I let her shake my hand.

"Y-Yeah, I'm the new girl. I'm y/n." I told her, keeping my voice below a whisper. 

"Are you and Gerard like, a thing?" She asked excitedly. What is everyone's fascination with him?

"I-I don't know." I told her. I know people are supposed to think so for my sake, but technically we aren't.

"Complicated?" She asked, I nodded in response, "I'm just shocked that he's all over you like this. No offense, but you're not exactly what he goes for. And he almost never takes kindly to new kids."

"What do you mean?" I raised an eyebrow. 'I'm not what he usually goes for'? What's that supposed to mean?

"I'm sure you've met Becca..." She started, most likely have seen her pick on me, "They were the couple of the school for the longest time. The two of the were the Brad and Angelina of Belleview High. But just like them, they ended. Becca had cheated on him with another guy that used to go here named Aiden." 

"Where is he now?"

"Let's just say, Gerard wasn't happy with him..." Sage trailed off. I looked at her in horror, 

"H-He killed him?" I asked terrified.

"No, no, no. Gerard didn't kill anyone. Well, not that I know of. He just hospitalized him. Aiden moved schools after he got out of the hospital. Gerard got him good, real good. As for Becca, they broke up obviously. I heard that Gerard had hurt her, but I'd like to believe that he's not that bad to hurt a girl."

I decided not to mention what Gerard had told me earlier. "Now if I were to make her pay, you don't even want to imagine the things I'd do to make her hurt." I shuddered remembering the look of anger on his face. But he said he'd never hurt me as long as I'm "Good to him".  Another thing that I'm still not one-hundred percent clear on.

"So, is he as dreamy as he looks?" Sage asked, leaning on her hands.

"Pardon?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"Well I mean look at him. He's such a dream boat. All the girls here throb over him, he could have anyone he wants. But no girl is brave enough to talk to him. I heard a story that one of Becca's friends tried talking to Gerard, but he wasn't interested in her so he took the sandwich she was eating and shoved it down her bra and shoved her in a locker." Sage giggled at the story. I felt the opposite on the inside. This is the man I'm hanging out with? A man who bullies people for no reason at all. 

"O-Oh." I whispered, feeling even too scared to be around him. Well, more than before.

"How is he towards you?" Sage sounded genuinely curious.

"H-He's actually kinda...sweet to me, in an odd way. He stopped Becca from hurting me and took care of me. Calls me s-sugar." I told her. Sage's eyes went wide. 

"Ugh that's so cute. I'd kill to be in your shoes y/n." She gawked. No, no you wouldn't Sage.

"Heh, y-yeah." I laughed awkwardly. 

"You're pretty shy, huh?" She pointed out. Ya don't say?

"Yeah I guess." 

"I didn't think Gerard liked soft girls. I figured he only liked stuck up bitches like Becca. Girl's who are willing to drop their pants for him. He seems like the one night stand kinda guy." 

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