{Eleven} ~ A Drama Queen

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The next morning I woke up with barely enough time to get dressed. My phone played a prank on me by not playing my alarm, fucking bitch...

As I ran down the steps, I saw Gerard's jacket laying on the counter top. I debated throwing it on since all my other jackets are upstairs. Remembering how cold it was yesterday morning, I decided that I didn't want to go through that again. 

I grabbed my keys so I could drive to school this morning and flung open the door. I didn't see the man standing on my front porch until after I locked up the house, "Jesus Christ Gerard." I held my hand over my chest.

Gerard chuckled as he hopped off of the porch railing he was previously sitting on. "Did I scare ya'?" He asked with a smirk.

"Just a bit." I replied with the slightest bit of sass in my tone. Clicking the button on my keys to unlock my car, I began walking over to my car only for Gerard to stop me. 

"Let me drive ya." Gerard took my keys from my hand and locked my car. I looked at him skeptically, "I'll take you for coffee." He offered.

"Deal." I snatched my keys back and pocketed them. Gerard led me over to his car and opened the passenger side for me. Once we were both in the car, he started it up and began driving. 

"Hey y/n." Mikey said from the backseat. I jumped in my seat,

"How did I not notice you in here?" I asked, feeling quite stupid.

"He's quiet." Gerard mentioned. Way to point out the obvious Gerard. He looked over at me briefly before looking back at the road with a smile,

"What?" I asked quietly, feeling self-conscious.

"Nice jacket Sugar." 

I could feel my cheeks heat up, "I didn't feel like going back upstairs to grab one." I explained shyly. 

"Mhm." Gerard smiled, looking quiet satisfied. I decided not to let him get to me, at least not this early in the morning. 


Coffees in hand, the Way brothers and I walked into school catching many looks as we did so. Gerard (per usual) kept his arm slung over my shoulders, keeping his 'I call the shots' composure. Me on the other hand (per usual as well) kept my eyes down not wanting to make eye contact with anyone. But I did stay close to his side per his request to sell it to them more. 

I'm beginning to warm up to him a bit more, I will say. Gerard really isn't that bad of a guy once you get to know him. Well, that is if he let's you know him. Gerard likes to keep his circle small. Mikey, Frank, Ray, and now me. I don't think I've ever seen him associate with anyone else really. What happened that made him as mean of a person to others as he is?

Following our daily routine, Gerard and I stopped by my locker to put my stuff away and grab a few things for class. He leaned up against the locker next to mine, watching people as they passed by us. 

It wasn't until now that I remembered what happened last time I saw him. We kissed, how could I forget about that!? I tried my hardest to keep my face from showing the memory popping up in my head. It's almost like it felt, normal? Maybe that's why it didn't come up when I first saw him this morning?

"Whatcha thinkin' bout?" Gerard asked, leaning to look at me. 

"N-Nothing." I replied, shutting my locker. Of course now my stutter comes back.

"Whatever it is it's got your cheeks a little red." Gerard smirked as he brushed the back of his hand against my face, making it burn hotter. "Would it maybe have to do with me?"

"L-Let's just g-get to class." I brushed his hand off my face and started walking to homeroom. Gerard quickly caught up to me and stopped me from walking any further.

"Now come on, don't be like that. Tell me what's on your mind Sugar." He said, sounding sincere through his usually cocky persona. 

"Really Gerard, i-it's nothing." 

"It's obviously something if it's got you stuttering again. You've been so good at keeping that under control." Gerard picked up on my inability to speak properly. Why does he have to notice so much about me god dammit?

"W-We can talk about it later. Not in the middle of the hall, where....where t-there are so many p-people staring." My anxiety sky rocketed as I noticed almost everyone's eyes were on us. Gerard looked from me to the crowd.

"Quit your staring!" He barked at the students. Almost instantly every single person in the hallway ran from the scene and to their classes. Even with the people gone, my anxiety was still through the roof. "You okay Sugar? You look pale." Gerard returned his hand to my face and felt my forehead. What a fucking mom. 

"Gerard, really I'm fine." I took his wrist into my grasp and pulled his hand away from my face. Without thinking, I let my hand continue to hold onto his at my side. 

"We'll talk about it in art, okay?" Gerard sounded defeated. I knew he was gonna make me talk about it one way or another so I nodded my head. He was making a big deal over nothing, such a drama queen. "Come on, let me walk you to homeroom." Gerard wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed my forehead. 

I don't understand why he still does these things when no ones around. I mean, we aren't an actual couple, but he acts like we are. Even in instances like this when we're alone, he still treats me like I'm his girlfriend or something. I just don't understand it. 


I made my way to second period alone. Gerard didn't meet me after first period like he usually does which I found was pretty odd, but kind of relieving. I needed a bit of alone time to think. It's been not even three days at this school and almost every period and class change, Gerard has been at my side. 

I know that our relationship isn't real, but something about it feels as if it is. Guys like Gerard are the last kind of guy I'd ever want to be with, but something about Gerard feels different. Like, I know he is a horrible person and I know some of the terrible (and most likely illegal) things hes done, but something deep down in me wants to be around him.

It may just be the sense of security he gives me. I know that no one will ever mess with me when I'm around Gerard. Hell, no one has the balls to even think about it. So it may just be his ability to break down my walls that I like about him. Don't ask me how, but Gerard manages to get me to come out of my shell a bit more, and can make me feel comfortable doing so.

But all of that aside, being with Gerard just isn't logical. The idea of us being together isn't logical. What kind of fucked up fanfiction would I be living if we were a thing?

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