{Eight} ~ Apologies and Pinkie Promises

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Walking out of my house I regretted not grabbing my jacket. It was definitely colder this morning than it was yesterday. I had already locked the door behind me seeing that my grandparents were off at work. 

"Fuck it, I'll just walk fast." I mumbled to myself. As I began my walk to school, I heard a group come nearing closer. The sound of male voices talking and laughing got louder and louder until,

"Is that y/n? Hey! Sugar slow down!" A familiar voice rang behind me. It was followed by the sound of boot clad feet smacking against the pavement. Soon after I felt a hand on my shoulder, pulling me to look at the person behind me. "You live on this road? Where?" Gerard asked, keeping his warm hand on my arm which was grateful for the heat. 

"A few down." I nodded my head in the direction of my house. I could feel myself inching towards him because of the heat that was radiating from his body. Gerard looked at where his hand was rested and noticed my goosebumps.

"You're freezing Sugar, here." Gerard shucked his leather off and wrapped his around my shoulders. 

"But now you'll be cold." I argued, hesitating to put my arms through it.

"I've got thick skin." Gerard shrugged, "Put it on, I don't want you to freeze to death." He took my arm and put it through one sleeve, then moved to the other. I was perfectly capable of doing it myself but Gerard seemed to be enjoying himself so I let him continue. Once it was fully on me, Gerard grabbed the zipper and pulled it up. He left his hands there as he looked into my eyes with the faintest of smile playing at his lips. "You look really cute in my jacket you know." 

I could feel blood rush to my cheeks which heated them up so I wasn't the maddest at him for making me blush, "You're also really cute when you blush."

"I'm not blushing." I lied, "I'm just cold." 

"Yeah? Mhm." Gerard could easily see through my lie. He slung an arm around my shoulder and pulled me into his side, "I'll keep you warm Sugar." 

"That's cute." Ray said from behind us. The other three boys joined where we were standing. I didn't realize how far behind they were, or how far Gerard ran to catch up to me. That explains why he's so warm.

"I ship." Mikey shrugged. I shot him a look since I was more comfortable around him than the others. If Frank had said that, I would've blushed again. 

"Oh shut it you sack of doorknobs." Gerard said to his friends, making me giggle. Sack of doorknobs, that's a good one, "Like that?" He chuckled, noticing my laugh. 

"It's funny." I explained myself. Gerard smirked and held me tighter to his side. 


When we walked into the school, I was hit with a much needed wave of heat. It was definitely warmer inside than it was outside. I unzipped Gerard's jacket and was going to give it back to him before he stopped me, "Keep it on, you look good in it." 

"Y-You sure?" I asked, feeling self conscious. 

"Positive." Gerard and I stopped walking as we got to my locker. He waited for me to unpack my book bag and grabbed the notebooks I'd need for my first few classes. Gerard this time rather than wrapping his arm around my shoulder, he wrapped it around my waist. I didn't object, but I wasn't expecting it.

"I'll see you third period." Gerard smiled down at me, which was rare. Usually it's just a plain smirk that I see from him. But for some reason when it's just him and I, he smiles.

"See you in art." I replied, getting ready to walk into homeroom. Gerard grabbed onto my wrist to keep me from moving. He did the same thing he did yesterday and kissed me on the cheek. Even though he's done it before, I still blushed harder than ever and felt awkward. 

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