{Twenty} ~ Fight! Fight! Fight!

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I followed the guys to occupy a few seats at the bar. Gerard motioned the bar tender over as he leaned against the granite top. "What can I get for ya Gee?" The man asked.

"Uh, lemme get an Old fashioned. One for the lady as well." Gerard nodded down to me. "Adam" was printed in black bold letters on a white piece of plastic clipped to his shirt. Adam nodded and went to get working on the drinks.

It's obvious that this is no sports bar. This is the grungiest place I may have ever been to. You know those scenes in movies where all the bikers go to cause trouble? Yeah, well that is the definition of this place. I'd be lucky if we got out of here with a single punch thrown.

Adam came back with our drinks and slid them in front of the two of us. Gerard picked up his glass and held it up, waiting for me to pick up mine. Gerard tapped his against mine before taking a swig of the alcohol.

I've had drinks before, yes. But never in a public, crowded place like this. I've never had a problem with drinking. Never have I gotten drunk, but I've put a few down.

Gerard looked at me waiting for me to take a taste. There seemed to be a mashed cherry and orange slice floating around at the bottom. Can't be that bad, right?

I raised the glass to my lips and let the dark liquid flow onto my tongue. I was right, it really isn't that bad. Allowing more of the drink to enter my mouth, I drank a bit more.

"Knew you'd like it." Gerard smirked at me. I rolled my eyes and set my glass down. I knew I'd be the mom of the group. But they do this ever Friday apparently so I tried to trust their judgment.

"Imma go talk to a buddy of mine. Frank's gonna sit with you, yeah?" Gerard rubbed my back as he motioned for Frank to come over. As Frank joined us, he slug an arm around my shoulder.

"You can trust me with your precious cargo Gee. Go handle your business." Frank shooed Gerard off, who still seemed a bit skeptic. I was a little mad that he's leaving me with Frank, but I'd be more pissed if he left me alone. Why not leave me with Mikey? No clue.

"What was that about?" I asked, trying to get my voice above the crowd. Frank chuckled as Adam slid him some sort of shot.

"Oh no worries. It's all good babe." Frank assured. I was hoping that that's just a general term he used with everyone, or else Gerard might be a bit upset.

Gerard disappeared into the crowd about three minutes ago and I'm getting slightly anxious. Frank keeps knowing back shots and you can tell they are affecting him. Dear God where's Gerard?

Gerard's POV

As soon as we walked in I saw him. I knew for a fact that he was gonna try and start shit tonight. And that's the last thing I need with y/n here. I hate fighting in front of her.

After we got our drinks, I figured I'd go talk to him. Tell him to take it easer tonight. "Imma go talk to a buddy of mine. Frank's gonna sit with you, yeah?" I motioned for Frank to come over here. It makes me nervous seeing how lovey he gets when he's shitfaced, but after me, Franks the last guy you wanna fuck with.

"You can trust me with your precious cargo Gee. Go handle your business." Frank slung his arm around y/n. I'm already not liking this. I'd only be gone a minute or two, everything will be fine.

I heard them talk as I walked into the crowd and to my target. As I stood in front of him, he shooed the girls around him away and stood to meet me. "Why hello Gerard."

"I'm not here to start shit Bert. Quite the opposite." I told him. Bert raised a brow at me,


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