{Six} ~ Jacket Slut

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I did as Gerard said and waited at my locker for him. I felt awkward just standing there by myself, so I kept my eyes down. I knew people were looking at me, of course they were. It's my first day and I've already been seen to catch the bad boy's heart, even though I know it's not true. Everyone else doesn't need to know that thought.

"Hey Sugar." Gerard slammed his body into the locker creating a sound that made me flinch, "Oops, sorry. Didn't mean to startle ya'."

"I-It's okay." I replied with my hand over my chest, trying to catch my breath. Gerard flicked his eyes over the crowd in the hallway. It seemed to instantly clear to moment his eyes completely scanned the area. 

"How were the boys to ya'?" Gerard asked, raising an eyebrow.


"The boys. Mikey? Frank?" Gerard requestioned. 

"Oh, they were fine." I muttered. Gee seemed less than satisfied with my response.

"Did they talk to ya?" He shoved his hands into his pockets.

"Yeah. They both did." 

"What'd they say?" Why is he asking so many god damn questions? Has he not noticed I don't talk much? Or is that the reason he's asking so many. That bastard...

"Just asked why I moved here and all." Pulling my jacket sleeve over my hand, I noticed how un-kept my nails are. I really should get a manicure soon, they need some attention.

"Why did ya?" Gerard sounded quite interested in the topic. I didn't want to tell him, for the same reason I didn't wanna tell Frank or Mikey. They are the reason I'm here, and they're most likely gonna be the reason I leave this place. "Well?"

"Just... reasons." I avoided the subject. Once again, Gerard didn't seem to like my answer.

"And those reasons are?"

"Why do you ask so many questions?" I mumbled, more to myself. He must've heard it because when I looked back up at him he seemed quite annoyed.

"Because," There was a slight growl in his voice that scared me, "I just want to know you better. And I can't do that if you don't answer my questions."

I looked down from his eyes, the intimidation in them frightening me. I know he said he wouldn't hurt me, but can I really trust that? Can I really trust him? "S-Sorry." I decided was the safest route to go.

Gerard sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, "No, no don't apologize." He sounded frustrated, "Look, I'm sorry I lost my temper for a moment. But can ya' please just answer questions when I ask them? I just wanna-"

"Yo Gerard." Frank skipped down the hallway over to us. Gerard clenched his fist, trying his hardest to execute as much anger as possible. I debated resting my hand on his to ease him, but mostly so that I wouldn't have to witness Gerard slug Frank.

"Yes, Frank?" Gerard took a deep breath.

"Whatcha up to?" Frank shoved his hands into his pockets and stopped in front of us. As scary as Gerard is, I'm slightly more intimidated by Frank. Gerard at least tries to be nice to me, Frank has just been an asshole this whole time. 

"I was trying to talk to y/n and maybe get her to speak more." Gerard looked at his friend annoyed.

"Cool cool. Anyways I came over here asking if you had any sticks. I smoked my last one this mornin' and I'm itching for one." Frank seemed antsy, tapping his foot at a fast pace. Gerard rolled his eyes and dug around a pocket on the inside of his leather jacket. He pulled out a carton of Cigarettes and flipped open the top. Frank grabbed one and stuck it between his lips. "Thanks man." Frank waved to Gerard as he turned on his heel to walk towards the exit of the school.

"You smoke?" I tilted my head to look at Gerard, who pushed his raven mop over his head.

"Yea, not nearly as much as Frankie though. He's a fuckin' fiend." Gerard chuckled. Frankie, heh. "He scares you, doesn't he?" 

"How'd you know?" I asked, slightly freaked out. Can he read my mind? 

"You scooted closer to me when he came over. Like a whole lockers worth of space. Also," Gerard nodded his head down to his arm. My eyes followed his and noticed that I had clung onto the sleeve of his jacket. Immediately I let go of his jacket and held my hands behind my back. Gerard chuckled and pulled me under his arm, "Aw no need to be getting all blushy on me." He teased.

"I-I'm not." I looked away from him.

"The stutter says other wise. It's been gone this whole conversation till now." I could practically hear the smirk in his voice. Shit, he's right though. My stutter had been gone till now.

Gerard let go of me and let his arm trace my arm on the journey back to his side, "Nice leather by the way? Harley?" I nodded my head in response. "Damn." He said, impressed. "You know, don't take this the wrong way, but that jacket doesn't match your personality at all."

"Meaning?" I raised a brow.

"Well you're quiet and shy, and that jacket makes you look tough and bad-ass." 

"So I've been told." I shrugged. Gerard chuckled, leaving silence in the air. Then I remembered what I wanted to ask him, "Is it alright if I ask a question?" 

"Of course it is Sugar." Gerard shifted so he was fully facing me, when previously his back was against the locker. 

"What happened between you and Becca?" 

Gerard's whole demeanor changed when I let the words flow from my lips, "What do you mean?" I could feel his tension.

"When you guys were together." 

He took a deep breath as his features hardened, "Who told you about that?"

"A girl in my English class." I replied quieter.


"D-Don't hurt her, please." I almost begged. I don't want to be the reason an innocent girl gets beat up. Gerard softened slightly, but not enough to keep me from backing up a few inches.

"I'm," He took another breath, "I'm not gonna.....just-..why do you want to know?"

"Y-You wanted to know more about me, I want to k-know more about you." I squeezed the ends of my sleeve, digging my nails into the leather.

Gerard took yet another deep breath and shut his eyes, draining the anger drop by drop. I could tell it was a touchy subject with him, probably one that I shouldn't bring up again, "I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't hav-"

"No. What did I say y/n? Don't apologize for my temper issues, okay? She cheated on me, I took care of it. Nothing more nothing less. Unless you heard other wise..." He raised an eyebrow, silently asking is I knew any more.

"I heard that you messed the guy up pretty bad." I quietly muttered. 

"Yeah, yeah I did. He pissed me off, so I made him pay. As for Becca, I didn't touch her. I refused to hurt someone that I used to love." Gerard softened his voice when he began talking about her. "And if Frank had said anything about our relationship, he'll tell you I didn't love her, but I did."

Frank didn't mention anything about them, but Sage did say that she thought that he only liked girls that would willingly have sex with them. I guess I just got the impression that Becca was like that and that's what their relationship was like. But Gerard did love her. It's out of place to imagine Gerard loving someone. I see him as so violent and tough, a total punk. I guess even punks can love.

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