{Three} ~ You Want Me to What?

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Gerard's POV

The lunch bell rang sending all the students to the cafeteria. The boys and I usually chill by the bleachers at lunch but I wanted to talk to someone first.

I needed to come up with a plan to get y/n to sick around me. She's cute as hell and really shy, something about her just makes me want her to myself. So how do I do that? Well I show her how horrible and ruthless the people at this school truly are. But I refuse to hurt her, but I know someone who will.

"Rebecca." I said, leaning against the lockers. The blonde barbie bitch stopped in her tracks at the sound of my voice. I love how intimidated she is by me. Slowly, Becca turned around to face me with slight fear in her eyes, "I need a favor."

"Y-Yeah?" She asked. I motioned for her to come closer with my finger. Hesitantly she took a few steps closer to me.

"You know the new girl, y/n?"


"I need you to scare her a bit. Make her realize that she won't stand a chance in this school alone. But don't hurt her, ya hear me? If I find out that you so much as laid a finger on her, I'll skin you alive, got that?"

Becca looked at me confused, "I-I don't understand. Why do you want me to?"

"No questions asked. Just do as I said, alright?" I gave her a stern look. She looked like she was going to protest until I cocked an eyebrow at her.

"A-Alright." She replied meekly. I flicked my hand to dismiss her. Withing seconds Becca scurried away from me and to the cafeteria. What a fucking pussy.


I walked outside to the gang sitting by the bleachers. Frank was sprawled out across one row, apple in hand while Ray was casually leaning against them. Mikey had his head buried in some book. Don't get me wrong, Mikey is punk and all, but he wasn't always like this. He used to be more like y/n, but once he started hanging out with me and the guys he changed a bit.

"Where've you been?" Frank asked while spitting out what I presumed to be an apple seed.

"I had to talk to someone." I shoved my hands into the pockets of my leather jacket. Frank and Ray both raised their brows at me. Mikey didn't seem too involved in the conversation as he was his book.

"Who?" Ray spoke up.

"No one important. Let's just leave it at I had to ask a favor from an old psychotic whore." Taking a seat on the bench, I noticed it was slightly wet. Good thing I'm wearing black jeans.

"If you're talking about you're whore of an ex Becca..." Frank sighed. I pointed to him to confirm his question. "Gerard I swear to god if you're catching feelings for her again..."

"No Frankie, I'm not catching feelings for her. I just needed a favor." I dug a few specks of dirt from under my nails.

"Does this have to do with the new girl? I saw you eyeing her up earlier." Ray mentioned.

"It does. He hasn't shut up about her all morning." Mikey finally spoke up from his book. I punched him in the arm causing him to glare at me. "What?"

"Why her? She's literally the opposite of what you go for." Frank sounded annoyed. I rolled my eyes at him.

"I don't know Frankie. She's just... I don't know."

Ray looked surprised, "Gerard at a loss for words over a girl? That's new."

"Oh shut it Toro." Getting up from my seat, I straightened out my jacket and slicked back my hair.

"Where are you going?" Frank questioned, sitting up from his relaxed spot on the bench.

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