The Swimming Grounds

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Jay and Ananda met up again on the south beach of the Swimming Grounds. It was the place where most information would be showed and updated in a continuous stream of results and records. The strand itself was an extended surface of lukewarm shimmery material that was soft to the feet and self-sanitizing. It spread in shades of very pale pinkish white and received the permanent backlash of waves coming from the Grounds. The whole atmosphere was damp and warm, dominated by the smell of salt water.

Jay and Ananda had both changed and put on the standard fitted suit reserved for swimming practice. As a Galaxy Games competitor, Ananda was entitled to wear a special navy blue suit that covered her legs down to the ankles, and went up to the shoulders.

"See, I have the same lining as Star !" she said, proudly smiling and designating the fine red border that trimmed her short sleeves and neckline.

Although he had taken up swimming practice only six months ago, Jay had already reached medium level. He wore a suit similar in shape but black and deprived of any decoration at the neckline, with the same fine red line running on his strong muscular shoulders.

"Speaking of the devil, there he is," said Jay, pointing at the huge translucent multi-colored display hovering above the Grounds :

Starling Kite – Galaxy Competitor – Level 6 – hot-lapping – 182 bpm – North beach quarters

"I guess we just have to swim to the north quarters, then" declared Ananda, running into the water as she spoke.

The first strokes were always very relaxing and pleasant, as the waters were shallow and there was not much current near the south beach. But after long minutes of front crawl swimming, it was necessary to gear up. Less swimmers and more silence indicated a change in the level of expertise for the people who entered the north area.

Jay shifted into back crawl for a while, feeling the powerful movement of the flow against his body. His suit had become slightly thicker and more extendable with the increase of current and the drop in temperature. It was actually quite hard to distinguish now the exact limit between his skin, his suit and the water. Not far from him, Ananda was swimming fast and far in a swirl of foam and waves. She had indeed reached a highly skilled level, and it was hard to keep up with her. He actually lost track of her near the north premises.

After a while Jay felt an impulse in his ears and heard Ananda's message through the tiny ear-capsules he had put on before entering water.

"Found him. Come and meet us, we're on the north east bank shore !"

Jay soon reached the meeting place and heaved himself out of the water. His friends were already waiting for him, lying on their back on the deserted rocky shore. Though Ananda was of medium height, she looked somehow small compared to Starling's tall sturdy figure.

"Well done dude, you're getting better at this !" Starling said. His wet hair looked darker than usual, and there was a strange look in his eyes. Jay knew instantly that Ananda had talked to him.

"Thanks Star, but I'm not quite ready for the Galaxy Games, not yet !"

"You'll get there, you're good at that," said Ananda as she rose and shook her brown wet locks, "well, I'll leave you guys for now ! Got stuff to do. See ya around !" She climbed on a high boulder nearby, and dived with a wink and a smile.

A short silence followed, broken only by the swell of the Grounds. There were few swimmers in this area, which was often referred to as the « wild zone ».

"So you got me cornered!" said Starling with a slightly angry tone, standing up as he spoke.

"I told you I needed answers. No need to bullshit me anymore, Star, bits of my memory are coming back to me. And you're in all of them. I just want to know what happened."

"Dude, what's the point. Isn't life awesome with us on B24 ? I mean, how better can you have it here? Is it going to get greater if you know stuff that can hurt ? "

"You can't understand. It's fine here, but...I don't feel fine. I feel there's something wrong. I'm hurting, and I don't know why... I want to know why."

"Jay, you're clinging to something that you don't even know. You're running after shadows. Don't be dumb, take it easy and it will all be for the best."

"I won't take it easy. I know I'm a failure, I know this re-engineering thing hasn't worked its magic on me. Well, not completely. I know I can't move forward as I'm supposed to. Something's pushing me backward."

"Dude, let it go. It's gonna end badly, I know that. Badly for you, and badly for me !"

"Seems to me you know a lot more than you say," Jay answered, his voice raising. "Now tell me, what happened with that necklace. Tell me now, you're not going anywhere before you speak!"

"Damn, Jay ! I don't understand you. You're never gonna give up, that's it?"


"Shoot ! I was with you when you lost it. We were in the Fields. And you lost it because of that necklace. Now you know." Starling stomped the ground in exasperation.

"Why ? What was it ?"

"A keepsake. A physical memory from your past » sighed Starling. "This thing proves that your memory wasn't 100 percent erased. You're right, something went wrong. Man, this never happens !"

"Why ? How ? How d'you know that ?"

"Because I am the one who put that necklace in the Fields."

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