* Hera *

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It is all for the best. They say that all the time.

But the best has come away.

The world has been cured from most diseases.

Humans are young, like, forever.

But my love has gone.

I don't ever want to hurt you. But my love, you hurt me more than anything else in the whole world. And you don't even know.

It's all my fault. I took the worst risks. We had agreed we wouldn't do that. I lied to you, I suppose. I had to.

They picked you up in the morning. You were so quiet. I was impressed. You're such a strong man. But I know you better than that. I saw your clenched fists, your upper lip: it gets a little tense when you're worried. We hugged, and it was over. Just like that.

It had been planned since birth. But darling, you used to be here with me, always. It just doesn't feel right.

At night I headed to the Flight Zone. I cheated with all the controls. You know I'm good at that. Back in the Forests, I was always the best at hiding. I cut myself, so that the blood would send them on an opposite track. I spilled blood in the Village, where we used to meet. Then I left an drove all night. Never stopped. Never blinked. I hid my vehicle, and walked, walked, walked till my feet hurt. I hid in the bushes. Almost got caught. Did hurt myself. But I found what I had come for.

Before sunrise, I saw you. All of you. Marching troops. Vacant looks. I knew you instantly. Darling, your tall figure. Your strong shoulders. Your quiet pace. Your jet black hair. I wanted to scream. Run after you. Yet all I could do was watch you leave. Only once did you look in my direction. And it broke my heart. Your eyes so bright and alert, they were so peaceful and empty. I was gone from you.

Is all the goodness gone from you too?

What's left of you?

I don't know what I'm going to do now. I don't know if I'm right. All I know is that I can't go with the flow. Not anymore. 

It's all for the best. I don't want the best then.

I don't want a new life. Not...ever.

I know what's left of you. There is me. There is Dust. And Gem.

You swore once that you would find me. That you would never leave me.

I trust you. I still do.

And believe me, I'm not done with you. I never will.

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