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Another request from: @joonsmami
(And also extra drabble I added to make the story longer bc I cannot upload for another week after this bc of my exams So I'm giving you all 2in1 sorta thing to say sorry :3)
Little! Yoonie (Yoongi)
Little! Seokie (Hoseok)
Caregivers! BTS
Little! XXXXX (As part of the extra drabble)
*Polygamy relationship*
Author's POV
"Pa? I needs the potty!" Yoonie whined as he shook Jin awake "Baby, you have a diaper on." Jin mumbled as he wrapped his arms around the younger.

"Oh yea." The rapper mumbled, he was growing up in headspace, now he's the tender age of 4 or 5, he was in the headspace of 2 before, hence the cute little Elmo themed diaper but now he's grown up, he notices when he needs to go.

Yoongi went there and then and curled up into his Pa, "Now change pease? I went pee pees" Yoongi mumbled, he was very uncomfortable, Jin smiled and nodded.

He quickly changed the young boy into another diaper. "Maybe we should start potty training you so you can use the big boy potty, would you like that, Yoonie?" Jin suggests, Yoongi smiled but frowned slightly "Like Seokie? Be big boy?" Yoongi said, excitement in his voice, smiling again.

Jin nodded "Yes, just like Hoseok, baby" Jin cooed as they went down for breakfast.

"Morning Pa, morning Yoonie! Me an appa made breakfast!" Hoseok says as he placed plates onto the table "Wait, wait wait... did you just say appa? *hobi nods* Appa, the God of Destruction... *hobi nods again* Appa was in the kitchen? *hobi nods spastically* My kitchen?" Jin states as he sat Yoongi on his chair and ran right into the kitchen, Hoseok giggles.

"Kim Namjoon, you better not have broken anything in my kitchen." Jin said as he walked in... surprisingly clean. "Yea... I did break somethings, Jinnie-Hyung." Namjoon states, smirking. "What the heck did you break?!" Jin said, voice getting louder.

"Eggs, you absolute moron. How else was I going to fry them, huh" Namjoon replied, laughing his head off.

Jin groaned "You're lucky that I love you and everyone else in this house." Jin mumbled and kissed the youngest rapper.

Soon six of seven in the group we eating breakfast, one of them had come back at 5am after practicing their dances so he's still sleeping, dead to the world.

"I was thinking about potty training Yoonie, he's been much more aware of when he needs the toilet and everything in between for that past few weeks so I think it's a good idea to do so, he sounded excited when I asked him about it too." Jin states as he cut up the piece of bacon for Yoongi.

The caregivers (that were currently there) all agreed to do so. Once Yoonie finished, Taehyung took the boy into the bathroom "These, honey, are pull-ups. They don't hold a lot so if you need the potty, you must tell your daddies or Seokie, okay?" Taehyung states as he grabbed the plain white pull-ups (that was used when Yoongi had trouble making it to the toilet in big space)

"Ne, papa!" He replied as he pulled down his pyjama pants, "You need to potty again? Go now before I change you." Tae said as he ruffled the boys hair. "Done now Papa!" Yoongi said.

After 5 minutes or so, Yoongi was now in a pull-up and running around the house, proud that he's becoming a big boy. But then he remembered, the potty monster! He didn't want to be eaten up by him, he was only a little boy! "Look at my little boy! He's being potty trained!" Jimin coos as he saw Yoongi on the couch, Yoongi smiled 'Fight the potty monster for daddies and bubby!' He thought to himself.

Several hours later and 2 sippy cups of apple juice later "Need potty!" Yoongi exclaimed, Jimin instantly stood up and held the boy's hand as they went to the bathroom, once they were near the toilet, Yoongi stopped in his tracks and started whimpering.

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