23- Namjoon? Joonie! [RMxJMxJKxBTS]

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This is Namjoon centric!
I got two request for Namjoonie so here we have it!

Hidden Little! Namjoon (2-4)
Little! Jimin (3-4)
Little! Jungkook (1-2)
CG! Rest of BTS

- JK: Yoongi & Taehyung
-Jimin: Jin
-Namjoon's soon to be main CG: Hobi

ALSO: This oneshot is kinda inspired by BTS little space book by @lilakiwi, it was one of the first little space books I read on BTS! (It's sadly discontinued BUT, if you want some cuteness and angsty stuffs, that book has it all!)

Author's POV

"Kookie! Here's nana milk!" Yoongi cooed as he handed the bottle to Taehyung, who had Jungkook in his lap.

Namjoon watched with jealousy and sadness.

There were currently two littles in the household: Jungkook and Jimin.

Everyone understood their reasons. Jimin was have a few body image issues and being little helped him.

As for Jungkook, it's hard being the golden maknae, you know?

Namjoon's sat there, sad and envious. He'll never be as cute as those two, he'll never be small like Jimin or have the cute bunny smile of Jungkook's. He was him, tall, mature and the leader of this group. (A/N: JOONIE'S SMILE IS ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE AND NO ONE CAN SAY OTHER WISE)

Namjoon sat there, smiling at the littles. He will be able to be free like this one day, not now but one day.

Namjoon went back to his room and smiled at the silly amount of Ryan plushies there are in the box and on his bed. He loved them, he loved all his Ryans but he doesn't mind sharing. Afterall, sharing is caring, right?

He slid into bed, grabbed his ipad and earphones before watching Pokemon on netflix. He may not have a caregiver (ATM) but he's got things to help him slip into headspace and that's okay.

Eventually he stopped the suddenly cried, he felt so alone. Why couldn't he have daddies like Jungkook and Jimin? Then he remembered: he's just a burden. The caregivers wouldn't love him like they love the other two, he wasn't cute, he wasn't smol and he was definitely not one to be playing with baby toys or so he thought. (a/n: none of these comments are true. end of.)

*A week later*
Due to the comeback, the littles haven't slipped at all. This caused a lot of tension throughout the home but luckily for the caregivers, after a few days during their well needed 2 months break, Jimin had broken down and eventually slipped but Jungkook was more reluctant. Afterall, he was recently outed, Namjoon didn't want the attention taken away from the outed littles.

"Jungkook-ah, you know you can slip, you know?" Namjoon stated as he walked into the Golden Closet, "I-I dont want to, Hyung. Gotta finish GCF Saipan, you like it so far?" Jungkook said as he tried to change the subject by showing the video to Namjoon. "It's very Jimin-Centric, isn't it?" Namjoon said as he smiled at the younger.

"Well you know? Fans are already fangirling and fanboying about GCF Tokyo... Jus addin fuel to a fire." Jungkook replied, grinning. "Kook, I know you just tried to change the subject, you know?" Namjoon said as he handed the headphones back to Jungkook. The maknae acted surprised, "no, not really. I just wanted you to see this." Jungkook lied.

"Don't lie, Jungkook. You and I know you want to slip into headspace. If I were you, I'd just slip be carefree and have fun. After all, you have caregivers to look after you and love you, Kookie. They love your cute bunny smile, they think you're such a precious little bunny, something that others can never be, trust me Kook. You need this, Kookie." Namjoon says, a few words had jealousy laced around it.

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