44- Stars Shine Bright [JKx??xBTS]

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Okay, let's get on with the story.

(The littles are shorter than everyone else by 3-5 inches in this)

Little! Jungkook
Little! ???
CG! Rest of BTS (Soon to be)

Author's POV

"Jungkook, to the right."

"No, Jungkook, you have to spin there"


Jungkook cowered away from the dance instructor.

Everyone was out of it today but the dance instructor decided to pick on Jungkook. No one did anything to stop him because they knew they were doing bad themselves.

"Oh screw this, let's end practice today. All of you are too fatigued to do anything." Dojun huffed and walked out.

Jungkook went to the corner where he put his bag and drank some water. "Let's just go home and relax a bit. Maybe a movie too, would you like that Kookie?" Jin asked as he rubbed the youngest's back. Jungkook shrugged, "Whatever you guys want." Jungkook replied quietly, he won't be with them anyways.

*Time Skip*

Jungkook rushed up to his room and had a shower before putting some pyjamas and a pull-up on.

He locked his door and looked under his bed, he smiled as he pulled out the baby blue box, he opened it and took out the Apeach themed fleece blanket as well as some of his other things like pacifier, bottle and pre-made infant milk.

He poured the milk into the bottle and threw away the carton that the pre-made milk came in.

He grabbed his tablet and got comfortable on the bed.

"Kookie, Meeting!!" Jimin called.

Jungkook frowned and grabbed his dressing gown then went downstairs.


"Urm, how should I say this... I've been wanting to say thing for a while."

"Hyung just spit it out."

"Shut it, it's easier said than done."

"You know what ever happens, we're here to support you, little baby."

"Hyung! I'm a year younger than you! But I like that nickname."

"Yeah and I looked after you back in the days when you'd miss your family"

"Just spill it, I'm really tired hyungie."

"Okay, for Kookie's sake I'll say it."

"Go on then!"

"I'm a little."

Jungkook hitched his breath.

"A little what?"

"A little, that's it."

"Oh so you like that kinky thing and calling your boyfriend daddy and stuff while you get fucked?"

"People do that, yes. I don't. I use it as a non-sexual stress relief mechanism."

"Ohhh! I read about that before! How old??"

"I dunno, like between 4-8?"

"I don't mind taking care of you!" Jin said.

"Yeah! Me too." Everyone else but the outed little and Jungkook said.

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