32- From big to small [THxJKxBTS]

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Thank you for a little! Kook request! This was done privately, so requester stays anonymous ❣️

Prompt: Hiiiii!! Can you do little!TaeKook x BTS?? I want one that's like when Tae and Kookie are the same ages in headspace but Jungkook suddenly regresses younger and no one realises or knows why! I would love that (Only because I haven't seen one of these yet :/)!!!!!

The next one after this is a sope one... I really cannot wait to write it because I have a noice plot for it!

ALSO; Who does Oli London think he is?! I'm sorry but he'll never look like JM... also his Aegyo, it scared me more than anything...

BTS: Love yourself, be you.

Oli: iMmA gET $200,000 WOrTh oF 🅱️LaStiC sURgeRy To LoOK LikE jImiN aNd CaRry A CaRDbOaRd CuTOut oF HiM bEcAUse I cANt HaVE HIm, tHeN tAKe HiM InTO ReSTaurAnTs sO I lOoK LiKE a: 🤡

Me: *cough* Jikook *cough*
(just a favourite ship for me, doesn't mean it's real😤)

He looks NOTHING like Jimin, it's the truth.
I look more like Jimin and I haven't even tried (I look NOTHING like Jimin 🤣)

Little! Tae (5-6)
Little! Kook (5-6/ 2-3)
CG! Rest of BTS

Third person's POV

stress, stress and stress. Luckily, they're getting a 2 months break,

"KOOKIE! UP! PLAY TIME KOOKIE!" Taehyung cheered, Jungkook woke up and smiled lightly. "Yay!" The little cheered.

The two littles went to their playroom while Yoongi went to make breakfast.

*time skip*

"Did you two have a good nap?" Jimin cooed as he woke the littles up. "Mhm! I dreamed bout Race Cars! Can we play?!" Taehyung said excitedly, Jimin smiled and nodded. "How about you, Kookie?" Jimin asked softly, the younger was always more sensitive than Taehyung.

Jungkook didn't say anything but smiled lightly and made grabby hands. "You want to be held?" Hoseok asked softly, Jungkook smiled wider and nodded.

"Come here then, bubba." Hoseok cooed as he picked Jungkook up, "Dada." Jungkook said smiling and rested his head against Hobi's shoulder. "Kookie? Is playtime, lets go?" Taehyung whined as he tugged Jungkook's arm, the maknae whined. "Nooo!" Jungkook whined, making the two caregivers (in the room) and Taehyung look at him in confusion. "What's wrong, bun?" Jimin asked as he looked towards Hobi and Jungkook "stay wid dada." Jungkook mumbled.

This made the caregivers more concerned, why was Jungkook's speech more limited? The boy knew how to speak in full sentences normally. They left it for now.

After 20 minutes, Jungkook decided go play with Taehyung. The older was slowly realising what was happening and why Jungkook was different but he just assumed the caregivers knew.

"Kookie! Here, have Tata. Cooky and Tata should play together!" Taehyung stated as he handed the doll to Kookie. "Fanksies TaeTae." Kookie replied as he grabbed the alien from Taehyung.

"Kids! Lunch time!" Yoongi called out, Taehyung stood up and extended a arm out to help Jungkook stand up, "Let's go, Kookie bun!" Taehyung said then they both went to eat.

"Kookie, you're so messy! You have sauce all over your face!" Namjoon cooed, Jungkook smiled and clapped his hands.

The caregiver eventually cleaned their two babies up (mainly Jungkook) and then let the littles go back to playing.

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