4- Paper is boring, Kookie [JKxJMxBTS]

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3rd requests from: @joonsmami 💜 (I had changed it slightly... they're going to a meeting rather than practice)

I wrote this whilst I was supposed to be sleeping but here we are! I had spent the whole day revising and I'm currently on break from revision so I thought I'd upload it! Another crappy oneshot, I loved the prompt tho! It's just I'm bad at writing it ;-;

Oh believe me, the daddies are NOT happy.
Little! Kookie
Little! Jiminie
Caregivers! BTS

Jungkook and Jimin. Jimin and Jungkook. Kookie and Chimmy. Chimmy and Kookie... when together, they're the power couple... for all the bad reasons, all because of a naughty little named Park Jimin.

"Remember the rules, if you break any of them, I will not hesitate to spank you both, okay?" Yoongi said sternly, mostly looking at Jimin. Yoongi was the 'tough' daddy, per say, hates when they're brats or being naughty, he's also the most harsh punisher out of all the caregivers when punishment is needed.
"Won't be naughty dada." Jungkook babbles, smiling and Yoongi smiles back; Kookie was his favourite but don't tell Jimin or he's going to have a fit yet Taehyung's favours Jimin because of how hyperactive he is and Jungkook damn right knows it but he's not bratty enough to have a fit about it.
Okay, they both technically get loved equally but some of their caregivers prefer the loud and hyper one and others prefer the quiet and reserved one.

"Yea! We wont be naughty! We color and tvs only!" Jimin said, with a 'evil' grin that no one noticed ... well crap then, they boy has a plan up his sleeves.

Soon the caregivers (who had to go to a important meeting) left, they should only be gone for two or three hours, what's the worse that could happen?

"Let's colour, Kookie!" Jimin states as he grabbed the papers, markers and colouring books. Jungkook walks over to where Jimin was and they proceeded to color. 30 minutes into the coloring, Jimin heard a whimper from his little brother "Was wron, Kookie? You need new diapie? Paci? Bun Bun? Drinkies? Foodies?" Jimin asks as he looked at the boy. "Paci a-an bun bun." Jungkook mumbled, "Is otay, Kookie! Bubba will gets for yous!" Jimin states then rushed to Jungkook's room and grabbed said items and quickly handed them to the younger "Fanks bubba!" Jungkook replied happily as the paci entered his mouth and the bunny was placed next to him, the two then continued to doing their coloring and drawing.

An hour later, Jimin got bored so he stared at the plain white wall, "Lets color wall! Make more colorful!" Jimin squeal and he takes all of his markers and goes towards the wall. "B-but dats naughty fing to do. Don wan dada to gib spankies." Jungkook whimpers "But Kookie... paper is borwing!" Jimin whines as he started doodling on the wall, which did interest the younger's eyes. Before anything:
a) the markers are washable
b) they had a layer of gloss coat over the paint.

"B-but dada gunna get mad, ChimChim." Jungkook whimpers as he crawled over to his brother. "Only sum spankies. I help pwotect you fwom dem" Jimin states as he hands the maknae a purple marker, Jungkook wanted to do what Jimin did but at the same time: he did not want to get into trouble with his favourite caregiver. "Y-yew pwotec Kookie?" Kookie asks, Jimin nods as the younger boy uncaps the marker and started doodling.

After 30 minutes or so; they ate the lunch that was prepared for them and well, Jimin being the big brother he his made sure Jungkook went down for his nap, feeding the baby milk and everything.

Eventually, the adults came back. They looked towards the living room and the wall specifically... "WHAT IN THE HELL HAPPENED?!" Yoongi yelled, causing the baby on the couch to wake up and cry, the boy had slipped deeper because of the shock. Jimin looked up at them, "W-we finked (thought) walls too plain." Jimin mumbled. Yoongi sighed "That's a naughty thing to do, You're lucky we we can clean that off easily. I am so disappointed in both of you but not naughty enough for spanks. So Jimin go to that corner and sit in time out for 15 minutes then after that, you're going to help Papa clean it up." Yoongi said as he picked up the baby and calmed him down. "And you, mister. You're going into his corner for 15 minutes too, that was a naughty thing to do." Yoongi said as he placed Jungkook into his chair on the opposite corner. "Sowwy!" Jungkook bursts out crying. "B-but, dada! Not his fwault! Only mine, I tell Kookie is okay to do it!" Jimin states, guiltily. "Oh honey, Kookie needs to also learn that's wrong. He has to go to time out for that too." Jin states as he walks out of the living room along with Namjoon, they decide to prepare the bucket of water with wall stain remover soap in it. Yoongi and Hobi went to grab some old shirts for Tae, Jungkook and Jimin to wear for when they clean up and Taehyung grabbed a plastic tarp and placed it in front of the damaged area of the wall.

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